February 9, 2025

Our Mission

“Having our vision very clear before us, we embark on our mission of making this vision a living reality for the young to whom we have committed our lives. Our mission will entail different methods and diverse strategies and plans, as will be demanded by the existential realities within which we are called on to accomplish our mission. Called by obedience to fulfil a responsibility that calls for great sagacity and native personal resources, we have no solutions for the problems that confront us in the actualization of our vision, no resources to be proffered in this endeavour, nor any panacea for the ills and limitations of our province. But with St. Peter the Apostle we can say in all truth: “I have neither silver nor gold, but what I have, I give you! In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, get up and walk!” (Acts 3:6).