February 9, 2025

Diphu Diocese

The Diocese of Diphu was erected on 5th December 1983, detaching the District of Karbi Anglong from the Archdiocese of Shillong-Guwahati, and the District of North Cachar Hills from the Diocese of Silchar. Most Rev. Mathai Kochuparampil, SDB was appointed the first Bishop of the new Diocese. He was installed at Diphu on 4th March 1984. He passed away on 4th March 1992. Rev. Fr. Albano D’Mello,SDB was elected Diocesan Administrator on 11th March 1992. On 24th June 1994, Most Rev. John Thomas Kattrukudiyil was appointed the second Bishop of the Diocese. He was consecrated at the Cathedral of the Risen Lord, Diphu on 8th September 1994. He was transferred to the newly formed Diocese of Itanagar in December 2005. However, he  continued to serve the Diocese of Diphu as its Apostolic Administrator until a new Bishop was appointed. On 14th February 2007, Most Rev. John Moolachira was appointed the third Bishop of the Diocese. He was consecrated on 15th April 2007 at the Cathedral of the Risen Lord, Diphu. He was transferred to the Archdiocese of Guwahati to be its Auxiliary Archbishop; and he left the Diocese of Diphu on 14th June 2011. On 16th  June  2011, Rev. Fr. John Timung was elected by the college of Consultors as the Diocesan Administrator of the diocese of Diphu. On 26th July 2013, Most Rev. Paul Mattekatt was appointed the fourth Bishop of the Diocese. He was consecrated at the Cathedral of the Risen Lord, Diphu on 6th October 2013. 

The oldest missionary presence in the Diocese is that of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM) at Haflong. The first group of sisters settled in Haflong in 1911. They started a small boarding school, which later on was opened to the children of the British engineers and tea garden managers. But due to malaria and other fatal diseases prevalent in the region, the infant school had to be closed. In March 1918, St. Agnes School was re-opened by the sisters. Soon a priest began to reside at Haflong and served as chaplain to the convent. According to a government letter, the school was meant for the Europeans and the Eurasians in the province and not for any general missionary purpose. Such restrictions remained till the Independence of India.

In 1927, with the election of Msgr. Lepailleur, CSC as the first Bishop of Chittagong, Cachar was made part of the new diocese. In 1930, Bishop Lepailleur acquired a fairly large plot of land adjacent to the convent on lease. In 1943, he obtained another lease on a piece of land about 10 minutes walk from the convent, which later became the headquarters of the Prefecture of Haflong and the present residence of priests.

The Haflong mission was initially run by the Holy Cross Fathers (CSC) attached to the Canadian Province of the Congregation. On 7th January 1952, Haflong was raised to the status of a Prefecture Apostolic and Msgr. Gomes Breens CSC, was appointed the first Prefect Apostolic. His area of jurisdiction consisted of Cachar Hills, Mizo Hills and Tripura. The Haflong Prefecture Apostolic was raised to the status of a Diocese on 26th June 1968 with the Episcopal See at Silchar, and Most Rev. Denzil D’Souza was appointed its first Bishop.

In July 1974, Rev. Fr. Peter Bianchi, SDB was appointed the parish priest of Haflong. With the erection of the Diocese of Diphu, the parish of Haflong, which comprised the whole district of North Cachar Hills, became part of it. The Catholic community of the district of North Cachar Hills is made up of Karbi, Zema Naga, Khasi, Adivasi, Mizo, Hmar, Dimasa and other tribal groups.

The Salvatorian Fathers (SDS) had adopted Khasi Hills as their main field of missionary activity. They reached the boundary of Karbi Anglong but did not really enter it. Mr. Langtuk Hanse from the village of Marjong, just a few Kilometers from the present parish centre of Umswai, was the first to hear about the Gospel. On 25th January 1914, he led a group of six people from Marjong to Umtyrkhang in Khasi Hills and received baptism at the hands of Fr. Chrysostomus Lefef Mayr, SDS. These six in turn became apostles, and on 4th May 1916, 31 others from the same village received the Catholic faith. On the 15th of the same month, another 22 received baptism. In 1920, some of those who had received baptism came to settle in Umpanai (Amkachi); thus a community was started there too. Later on a Catholic community was formed in Mynser. The work in this region was not restricted to the Karbis only. The Tiwas too responded to the faith. In 1950, some people of Bor Marjong and Umswai embraced the Catholic faith.

Mr. Joseph Milik and his four children were the first to receive the Catholic faith in Block I under Jrikyndeng. They went to the Raliang Mission and were baptized on 6th March 1942. They were the people of Umkhyrmi. From here the faith spread to the Karbis of other villages.

Mr. John Kathar with a group of 27 others were the first to receive the Catholic faith in the Rongkhang area. Msgr. Orestes Marengo, SDB received this first group into the Church.

The first baptisms in Dokmoka region among the Karbis were at Dentaghat in 1969. In 1950, some Catholics came from Sojong to Diphu to settle there, and thus a community was started there too. Later on, the Karbis at Japralangso, Rihalangso, Balipathar and other villages were contacted. The first baptisms in Chokihola region were in the year 1973.

Although the first baptisms in Karbi Anglong were in 1914, the first parish  was opened only in the year 1967, at Sojong. On 11th February, the parish of Sojong was inaugurated with Fr. John Mariae Nedumpettil as the first parish priest. In 1971, the parish of Diphu was opened. In 1972, the parish of Dokmoka was opened. The parish of Chokihola was opened in 1974, and Umswai in 1977. Japrajan was the last parish opened (1982) before the erection of the Diocese of Diphu.

Today, the Diocese has 30 Parishes, 14 Mission centres, 58 Convents. The missionary team of the Diocese comprises the diocesan priests, religious priests, brothers and religious woman belonging to various congregations, numerous full time catechists, village catechists and youth leaders. The Diocese is constantly endeavoring to move forward in the spirit of the first missionaries who planted the Gospel in this part of the world.

01. SOJONG (1966) C-1988

Patron: Christ the King | Diphu Diocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel
Christ King Church
Dongkamokam 782 485
Via Hojai, Karbi Anglong, Assam
Tel : (03677) 239414 | 239473: School
Carmel Convent AC, Sojong | Tel: (03677) 239472
Don Bosco Convent MSMHC, Satgaon | Tel: (03674) 215345 (WLL)
Missionaries of Charity MC, Sojong | Tel: (03677) 239450

Christ the King Parish, Sojong was established on 11 January 1967 with Fr John Maria (diocesan priest) as the Parish Priest. Sojong was the first Mission Centre among the Karbis. Today the Parish has a vibrant Karbi community and a large number of Garos. The history of the Catholic Church in Karbi Anglong has roots among the Karbi community of Sojong area.

After the establishment of Nongpoh Parish in 1952, the priests from Nongpoh began to visit the villages of Umswai, Umpanai and Sojong area. Fr Michael DeValle, Fr Julius Costa, Fr Mario Bianchi and others made visits to the villages. In 1960, Fr John Mariae (a diocesan priest), immediately after his ordination, was sent to Nongpoh as Assistant Parish Priest. Fr Michael Balavoine, who was at Nongpoh at that period, and Fr John Mariae shared a common vision to evangelize the people of Karbi Anglong. Both missionaries began to visit the villages of Karbi, Tiwa and Garo more often. Fr Michael Balavoine insisted with Bishop Stephen Ferrando and the Salesian Provincial to open a mission centre among the Karbis. In 1966, Bishop Stephen Ferrando gave permission, and the two missionaries were asked to find a suitable place for the mission centre. There were already a few Catholics at Marjong and Umpanai. In the same year, Bishop Stephen Ferrando himself visited the area, to finalize the location of the mission centre. Fr John Mariae went ahead; cutting jungles, making bridges, and organizing the people to welcome the Bishop. Fr Michael Balavoine accompanied the Bishop. Both Marjong and Umpanai were considered not suitable for the mission centre; Marjong was on the hill top; Umpanai had no proper approach route. Attention was turned to Sojong. A few Catholics from Sojong had reached Marjong to welcome the Bishop. They led the Bishop and the missionaries to Sojong. Mr John Kathar, the village headman, promised to procure the hillock of Sojong for the Mission. As soon as the Bishop saw the location and the approach route, he was pleased and decided to open the Mission at Sojong.

Fr John Mariae was appointed the first Parish Priest of Sojong. The Parish was officially inaugurated on 11 January 1967. Mr Sylvester Teron was the first head catechist. On 15 January 1967, the Mission school was re-opened, which was closed down for some time. After one year, Fr Gabriel Fernandez from Kollam (Kerala) joined as Assistant priest; but after few months he left Sojong for health reasons. Later on Fr Gabriel, Fr Mathew Chandrakunnel and Fr Cyriac Thundathil served as Assistant priests successively. Fr John Mariae worked zealously; number of Catholics increased. In 1970, Fr John Mariae was appointed as Episcopal Vicar for Karbi Anglong and in 1971, he was transferred to Diphu. For a short period, the Parish was looked after by Fr Joseph Pooppillil MCBS and then it was handed over to the Salesians in 1972.

Fr Joseph Pazhekadavan was the Parish Priest from 1973 to 1988. The Parish, the school and the hostels for boys and girls experienced further growth during his tenure. The construction of the beautiful Parish Church of Sojong was another great contribution of Fr Joseph. The Salesian community of Christ King Parish, Sojong was  canonically approved in 1988. Fr Albano D’Mello, who was the Rector and Parish Priest from 1988-1992, brought to completion the church building. In the successive years Fr George Maliekal (1992- 96), Fr Sebastian Kunnathukuzhy (1996- 2000), Fr Abraham Kanattu (2000-02), Fr Thomas Anikuzhikattil (2002-08) and Fr Joseph Teron (2009-2015) served as Parish Priests who were also Rectors. In 2015, Fr Lucas Marak was appointed Rector and Parish Priest. Fr Abraham Vetticad served the Parish for nearly quarter of a century, beginning from 1978. He worked zealously, especially for the Garo community; he is fondly known as ‘Achu Father’ (Grandpa).

With the arrival of Fr Abraham Vetticad, greater attention was given to the pastoral needs of the Garo community, which then numbered more than 7000 Catholics. With the financial assistance from the Salesian Province of Guwahati, Fr George Maliekal (Parish Priest 1992-96) purchased the additional plot of land adjacent to the Mission land at Satgaon. Thanks to the generosity of Mgr Orestes Marengo and other resources, the new school building was constructed at Satgaon. In the following years, Fr Sebastian Kunnathukuzhy completed the church building at Satgaon. With the newly constructed church, convent, school and the hostels for boys and girls, Satgaon became a cherished Centre for the numerous Garo villages of the Parish.

The Parish has grown in the past years through the dedicated work of other Salesian priests like Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel, Fr Hubert Marak, Fr Isaac Mattappillil, Fr Victor Ampanattuvila, Fr Ignatius Sangma, Fr Benjamin Daimary, Fr Michael Bhengra, Fr Jose Thattil Umbavu, Fr Francis Xavier Lakra, Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal, Fr Aloysius Roland Halge and Fr Jonas Toppo. Br Benjamin E. Kathar served as hostel warden for some years.

At present, the Salesian community consists of Fr Abraham Kanattu (Rector and Parish Priest), Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal (Assistant Parish Priest) and Fr Pradeep Ekka (Principal, Administrator & Warden). The other confreres, namely, Fr. Albert Thyrniang (Parish Priest, Satgaon) Fr Charles Ch Sangma  (Assistant Parish Priest, Satgaon) and Fr Justin Chinnaapparaj (Asst Parish Priest, Satgaon) reside in Satgaon.

When the new Parish of Jirikyndeng was created in 1986, the area of Kheroni and Hamren belonging to Sojong, formed part of it. Later, Hamren was made into a new Parish. On 15 March 2004, a new Don Bosco School was started at Jengkha. The land at Jengkha, measuring 30 bighas, was donated by the villagers for a Don Bosco School. The Salesian residence in Sojong was renovated in recent years. The construction of a multi-purpose hall at Satgaon commenced in 2019 and the work is still in progress.

On 26 January 1971, the sisters of Apostolic Carmel (A.C) opened the Carmel Convent at Sojong. They continue to render dedicated service to the parish, in the school and hostel, and in the villages. For several years they conducted the weaving/knitting centre for girls at the Convent. On 25 January 1997, the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC) opened their convent at Satgaon, with the primary aim of attending to the pastoral, educational and healthcare needs of the Garo community. The Sisters of Missionaries of Charity (MC) opened their convent at Sojong on 5 July 1998. They render great service especially to the poor and the sick of the area.

The Parish of Satgaon was opened on 4 January 2015. Fr Gabriel G. Momin was appointed the first Parish Priest. Fr Francis Lakra was the first Assistant Parish Priest. Later, Fr Thomas Chenginiyaden joined as the Assistant Parish Priest.

Fr Abraham Kanattu      Fr PJ Joseph     Fr Pradeep Ekka  Fr Charles Ch Sangma   Fr Albert Thyrniang

       (Rt & PP)                        (Asst. PP )    (Principal & Admin)      (Asst PP Satgaon)             (PP- Satgaon)                                                                           

Fr Justin Chinnaparaj

Asst PP – Satgaon

02. HAFLONG (1974) (Presence Attached to Sojong)

Patron: St. Francis Xavier | Diphu Diocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel
Catholic Church
Haflong – 788 819, Assam
Tel : (03673) 236352 PP | 236726 School

Haflong, the present-day headquarters of North Cachar Hills, is homeland to a variety of ethnic groups. The Dimasas, Zema Nagas, Hmars, Kukis, Karbis, Khasis, Hrangkhawls, Khelmas, Adivasis and many others have made Haflong region their homeland. Though the Catholic Church in the region has a long history, Haflong became officially a Parish only in 1974. The history of the Catholic Church in the area goes back to the era of British rule, particularly the construction of the Railway link to Chittagong. Among the Railway personnel there was a small group of English speaking Catholics. At the insistence of the Railway authorities, Mgr Christoph Becker SDS, the Prefect Apostolic of Assam requested the RNDM sisters who were at Chittagong, to open an English medium school at Haflong. In 1916, the RNDM sisters began St Agnes School and the hostel for the girls. The priest at Haflong was principally the chaplain of the sisters. At the arrival of the Salesians in Assam in 1922, there were 81 Catholics in Haflong, mostly the Railway employees. The Salesians who were at Haflong up to 1928 were Fr Giuseppe Hauber, Fr Giovanni Fergnani and Fr Henry Raygasse respectively.

In 1927, Cachar (Haflong included) and Sylhet districts formed part of the newly erected Chittagong diocese. But the Cachar region did not receive any missionary attention. On 17 January 1952, Haflong was established as a Prefecture, comprising Cachar, Tripura and Mizoram, and was placed under the care of the Holy Cross Fathers of the Canadian Province. Mgr George Breen CSC was appointed the first Prefect Apostolic. On 26 June 1969, Pope Paul VI raised it to a Diocese with the Episcopal See at Silchar. Bishop Denzil D’Souza, the first bishop of Silchar, invited the Salesians to Haflong. Fr Peter Bianchi was sent to Haflong. He took charge of the pastoral ministry from Fr Hyacinth OFM. In 1974, the Parish of Haflong, dedicated to St Francis Xavier, was established with Fr Peter Bianchi as the first Parish priest. In 1976, he began the English medium primary school for the boys in a temporary shed. By 1980, the new building of Don Bosco School was completed. Meanwhile, Fr Peter Bianchi carried out the construction of the Church.

In December 1983, when the new diocese of Diphu was created, the North Cachar Hills district with its headquarters in Haflong was detached from the Diocese of Silchar and joined to Diphu. The evangelization work was done with greater momentum in the years that followed. The confreres who worked at Haflong in the past years include Fr Mathew Kadavunkal, Fr Alexis Sanglura, Fr Mathew Chollamadathil (CP), Fr Thomas Puliparambil, Fr Jacob Thotekat, Fr Joseph Palamthattel (Sunny), Fr Thomas Anikuzhikattil, Fr Paul Kuttikadan, Fr Edmund Lakra, Fr Emmanuel Marngar Br Benjamin. Kujur, Br Ignatius Toppo , F r Joseph Kunnathukizhakethil, Fr Chacko Kanjooparambil, Fr John Gilbert Kharshandi, Fr Sebastian Kuricheal, Fr JoseNadackal, Fr Jose Perunnerparambil, Fr Arvind Cyprian Kailash, Fr Albert K Sangma, Fr Sebastian Ishorary, Fr Maria Arul Anthuvan, Fr Joseph Pau Lian Mung, and Fr Pradeep Ekka. The Salesian community presently consists of Fr Thomas Kunnappillil (Rector and Parish Priest), Fr. Xavier Beck (Principal) and Br Benjamin Rosant Indwar (Vice Principal). In 2004, the school was shifted to its present location. The Church was renovated in 2016. The Salesian residence was also given a face-lift recently. The Don Bosco School was shifted to the Parish Campus by constructing new buildings and now it has emerged as a premier educational institution in the District. There are also schools at Mahur, Asalu, Laisong, and Harangajao, all under the care of the Parish.

 In the past years, the Jesuits have opened a number of Centres, namely, the Parish at Gunjung, mission centres at Langting, Doyamuk, Didambra and Dehangi. The Visitation Sisters of Don Bosco (VSDB) opened a convent at Asaluon 11 December 2004; they are involved in running the village school and in carrying out Faith formation of the people in the villages. The Sisters of the Holy Spirit (SSpS) reached Haflong in 2003; they run the Holy Spirit Hospital at Haflong.


Fr KJ Thomas                Fr Xavier Beck          Br Benjamin Indwar

   (Rt. PP)                            (Principal)                   (V. Principal)

03. UMSWAI (1977) C-1998

Patron: Bl. Michael Rua | Diphu Diocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel
Catholic Church
Umswai – 782 410, Via Jagi Road,
Karbi Anglong, Assam
Auxilium Convent FMA| Tel : 9615515984

The Catholic Church in Karbi Anglong had its humble beginning in the region of Umswai. On 25 January 1914, a group of six Karbis from Marjong village near Umswai, led by Mr Langtuk Hanse, went to Umtyrkhang in Khasi  Hills beyond the river Umiam, to be baptized by Mgr Christopher Becker. Thus, the first Catholic community of Umswai, and of Karbi Anglong, was born. From 1922, this nascent Catholic community grew up under the patronage of Parishes of Laitumkhrah, Mawlai and Nongpoh successively.

Umswai is a rugged region of hills and valleys, dotted by Karbi, Tiwa and Khasi hamlets. However, it has a characteristically Tiwa flavour. In the year 1968, the District Council allotted two plots of land, one at Umswai and the other at Umpanai (Amkachi), to the Catholic Mission. Since there was a strong rumour of setting up of a Hydro-Electric Power plant in Umswai, the infrastructure for the Mission, the school building and the dispensary, were built at Umpanai.

Fr Michael Balavoine, however, strongly insisted that the Centre should be at Umswai, as it was the heart of the Tiwa tribe. When Fr Balavoine was appointed to Nongpoh, he took special interest in Umswai, particularly to the Tiwas and to their language.

Besides being the first priest to learn Tiwa, he was the first one to write and publish materials in Tiwa. The first Tiwa book, a hymnal and prayer book called “Mindei Khrum” was published in 1962. His translation of the New Testament into Tiwa (Khorong Kodal, 1972) is a jewel in the series of books that he published in order to promote Tiwa literature and to sustain Christian faith.

On 31 March 1975, Br Macarius and Br Cuthbert, two Franciscan Brothers, who had been staying at Umsohlait, took up residence at Umswai. The Brothers had a harrowing time. As they did not have a vehicle of their own, they had to buy the required provision at the weekly market at Mawhati. This had to be done on foot, and it required that they spend one night at Umsohlait.

The present Umswai market was non-existent at that time. Fr Albano D’Mello, first Parish Priest, reached Umswai on 12 October 1976. Fr Balavoine accompanied him. They arrived at 2.30 am after an arduous journey and a vehicle breakdown. To their surprise, they found the people waiting for more than a day. Umswai was established as a Parish on 24 April 1997 under the patroness of Mary, Mother of God. The Franciscan Brothers continued to stay at Umswai for some time, after which they shifted to Langerdang. After several years of hard work, on 31 December 1998, the Brothers handed the place over to the Capuchin Fathers, who were searching for a quiet piece of land for a formation house. However, the physical difficulties that confronted the Capuchins proved insuperable. The Centre was closed in January 1999.

With the establishment of the Parish, things took a new turn for Umswai. Over the years, the necessary infrastructure was provided for the school and the Parish. The church was enlarged. Hostels for boys and girls were constructed. An Assam-type school building was built. Later, the presbytery, the Balavoin Hall and two two-storyed school buildings flanking the earlier tin-roofed school building were built.

Amidst the frenzy of activities, village apostolate, poverty alleviation and educational programmes took centre-stage. Several Tiwa  books were published, prominent among them being the Tiwa Missal (2003). The existing Khasi medium Middle School, located in Shikdamakha (originally begun as a Lower Primary School in Pundurimakha in 1963) was shifted to Umswai. English replaced Khasi as the medium of instruction. It was progressively taken to Class X. In 2004, Don Bosco Umswai was upgraded into a Higher Secondary School.

Considering the importance of mother-tongue in the primary education for healthy socio-cultural integration as well as for the conceptual and logical formation of a child, Don Bosco Umswai took the momentous decision to convert the existing English medium Lower Primary School to Karbi and Tiwa mediums from 2006, separately for Karbi and Tiwa children. As there were no textbooks available for the purpose, between 2006 and 2008 Fr Jose Thattil Umbavu published more than 40 Karbi and Tiwa textbooks for the various subjects of the primary classes. His hard work for over a decade at Umswai (1999-2009) contributed greatly to the progress of the Church and the people of the area in many ways.

At present, Fr Jose Perunneparampil  is the Parish Priest and Fr Saju Kariyil is the Vice Rector, Principal and Assistant Parish Priest with Fr Rajib Lakra as the Asst. Parish Priest. The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) opened the Auxilium Convent at Umswai on 24 October 1985 under the leadership of Sr Mary Edatukaran FMA. The Sisters carry out dedicated services in the Parish, School and hostel. They also run a dispensary. They are active in the village ministry. The Vocational Training Centre that the Sisters run provides livelihood opportunities for girls and  women.

Fr Jose Perunneparampil             Fr Saju Kariyil

          (Rt & PP)                               (VR & Principal)

04. AMKACHI (1999) (Presence attached to Umswai)

Patron: St. Paul | Diphu Diocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel
Catholic Church
Amkachi Village, Ullukunchi P.O.
Karbi Anglong, Assam
Jyothir Bhavan Convent: SABS


The Parish of Amkachi, dedicated to St Paul was officially established in 1999. The Salesian presence was attached to the community of Umswai. However, Amkachi mission had been functioning as a parish since 1989 with priest in residence and with the infrastructure of school, boarding and convent.

Amkachi, the Mission Centre, near to Umpanai Block headquarters, is surrounded by villages and hamlets inhabited by Karbis, Tiwas, Khasis, Nepalis and others. The geographical proximity with Nongpoh Mission facilitated the visit of missionaries to Umpanai area. With the arrival of Fr Michael Balavoine and Fr John Mariae (diocesan priest) at Nongpoh, the missionary work in the area of Umswai-Umpanai made much progress. The number of Catholic families increased. Fr Michael Balavoine insisted repeatedly with Bishop Ferrando and the Salesian Provincial to open a Mission Centre in Karbi Anglong. As a result, Sojong Mission was opened in 1967. Later, with the growth of the Church in Umswai-Umpanai area, a decision was made to separate the area from Sojong. In the year 1968, the District Council allotted two plots of land, one at Umswai and the other at Umpanai (Amkachi), to the Catholic Mission. Since there was a strong rumour of setting up of a Hydro-Electric Power plant in Umswai, the infrastructure for the Mission, the school building and the dispensary, were built at Umpanai. Fr Michael Balavoine, however, strongly insisted that the centre should be at Umswai, as it was the heart of the Tiwa tribe. Hence, Umswai was canonically constituted a Parish in 1977. Amkachi functioned as a sub- centre of Umswai. With the birth of the new diocese of Diphu in 1983, efforts were intensified to make Amkachi a parish. From 1989, the priest in charge of Amkachi Mission began to reside there.

Fr Joseph Pazhekadavan, Fr Mathew Kadavunkal, Fr Johny Eapen Kalathoor, Fr Quirinus Syiemlieh, Fr Thomas Kunnamkudath, Fr Joseph Teron and Fr Thomas Anikuzhikattil served as in-charges or as Parish Priests of Amkachi in the past years. Fr Sony Abraham Malipuram, Fr Anthony Thekkel, Fr Lawrence Nongkseh, Fr Jose Perunneparampil and Fr Jose Nadackal served as Assistant Parish Priests. Br Philip Neri D’Souza also worked in the Parish. The Parish has made progress in constructing the infrastructure like the Church, school, convent and hostels for boys and girls.

Presently, Fr Joachim Pumah is the Parish Priest and Fr Joseph Bara is the Headmaster and Assistant Parish Priest. The dedicated work of the missionaries is the only beacon that leads the people of the area to progress in all aspects.

The school in the Parish is developing. In 2019, the construction of the new block commenced in order to accommodate the growing number of students in the school. The Fathers also run a hostel to educate the deserving poor children from the far-flung areas of the Parish.

The Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (SABS) opened the Jyothir Bhavan Convent at Amkachi in 1989. The Sisters carry out dedicated service at the Parish, especially in the school. They also run a hostel for the girls. The medical care that the sisters render through the dispensary at the centre and in the villages deserve much appreciation. 

Fr Joachim Pumah

 (Inc. PP & Admin)

Fr Joseph Bara

(VP & Asst. PP)

05. DIPHU (2014) ( Presence Attached to Sojong)

Patron: St. John Bosco | Diphu Diocese
Activities: College, Hostel
Don Bosco Junior College
6th Mile, Diphu, Manja Road
Karbi Anglong – 782 461, Assam

The Salesians of Don Bosco established a Junior College at Diphu in 2014 with three streams of Arts, Science and Commerce to cater to the educational needs of the young people of Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao districts in particular and of north-east India in general. In 2018, the College was upgraded to a Degree College by affiliating it to Assam University, Silchar. The College offers a Three-Year Degree Course under the Choice Based Credit System (TDC-CBCS) in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce and thereby bringing hill districts of Assam on to the global map of Salesian Higher Education institutions.

Don Bosco College has the unique distinction of being the first Catholic College in the diocese of Diphu. The foundation of the Junior college was laid on 8 December 2014 by Fr Thomas Vattathara, the then Salesian Provincial of Guwahati, and blessed by Most Rev. Paul Mattekkatt, Bishop of Diphu. The classes for the first batch of 23 students of class XI were held at the Diocesan Agricultural Training Centre, Manja from the month of August, 2014. The new college building was blessed exactly two years later, on 8 December 2016 by Most Rev. Paul Mattekkatt, Bishop of Diphu, and was inaugurated by Prof. Dhrubajyoti Saikia, Vice Chancellor, Cotton College State University, Guwahati. Today, the college has a strength of over seven hundred students taking full advantage of the educational services of Don Bosco by pursuing the different courses of studies.

The decision to start a college at Diphu was initiated when a proposal was made by Fr Thomas Vattathara, the then Provincial of Guwahati, during the meeting of Rectors and Leaders of communities held in October 2013. Thereafter, a request was made to Most Rev. Paul Mattekkatt, Bishop of Diphu, for starting a Salesian presence in East Karbi Anglong, for the higher education of the poor and the deprived youth who had little or no access to higher education. The Bishop and the diocese responded positively by offering generously 40 acres of land for the college. A lot of moral support came from the clergy and people of all walks of life who believed in Don Bosco’s system of education. Shri Tuliram Ronghang, CEM of Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council, and his executive members have made visits to the college to encourage students and the college authorities for bringing quality education to Karbi Anglong, which will have a lasting impact on the educational scenario of the region.

The construction of the College building was not without struggles and difficulties. A good measure of troubles and obstacles were present all along the way – no boundary walls at the building site, meagre funds available for the construction, arduous journey, etc. But a strong desire and determination to give the very best to the least of this place kept the Salesians to forge ahead. Don Bosco School, Panbazar came in a big way with financial assistance to help in the construction of the Junior college.

Other houses also generously supported the project. In a record time of two years, the building was completed and the classes were shifted to the new building despite lacking many facilities. Situated on NH-329, about 7 kilometres either way from Diphu-Manja or Manja-Diphu road, the college stands as a lighthouse for the young, offering quality education coupled with personality development and a sense of direction for their future goals in life. Today, the college campus consists of a cluster of buildings which includes the Don Bosco Junior College, Don Bosco Degree College under construction now, the Helena and Sophia girls’ hostels, Bishop Mathai boys’ hostel and the college canteen. The girls’ hostels are managed by sisters belonging to the two different religious congregations, namely, Daughters of the Cross – Kolkata Province (Helena Girls Hostel) and Mission Sisters of Ajmer – Rajastan (Sophia Girls’ Hostel). These hostels were built by their respective congregations at their own cost on the plots allotted to them. The boys’ hostel, named after the first Salesian Bishop of Diphu Diocese, Bishop Mathai Kochuparampil is managed by the Salesians of the college community. Today with more than 400 students in the three hostels, the campus is a place brimming with hectic educational activities and programmes and is filled with vibrant youthful faces, their aspirations and hope.

Fr Cyriac Vettickathadam and Fr Jimmy Sangma were the first Salesians to form the community at Diphu.  Fr Cornelius Panna joined community later. They had to put up with many inconveniences, difficulties and sacrifices including lack of proper accommodation, food and facilities till finally when the college building was completed in 2016. When Fr Jimmy was transferred to Tura, Fr Jogesh Sangma was appointed Principal of the Junior College. In June, 2018 Fr Johnson Parackal joined the college as the Principal in place of Fr Jogesh Sangma, who was transferred to Don Bosco Junior college, Tura. At present (December 2024), the Don Bosco College, Diphu community consists of Fr Johnson Parackal (Director & Principal), Fr Cornelius Panna (Assistant Director) and Fr Vivek Lakra (Vice Principal and Adm.) and Fr Simplicius Kerketta (Hostel Warden).


Don Bosco School, Baithalangso is of recent origin. It all started when Fr Joseph Pazhekadavan was offered a piece of land at Arnamlongthu in Baithalangso for a Don Bosco institution. Fr Joseph Pazhekadavan requested Fr Joseph Teron to the follow-up the acquisition of the land. Fr Teron contacted the Salesian Provincial in Guwahati, and with financial support from the Province bought the land that we have now from some 22 different owners. In 2006 he opened the Don Bosco School in a tin-roofed shed with bamboo walls. The medium of instruction was Karbi, and the number of students remained low.

In 2011 the work for a concrete building was begun. In January 2012 Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal was sent to look after the construction works. He stayed in Sojong and came daily to supervise the work. But as this proved too tiresome due to the poor condition of the roads, he was allowed to stay in a rented house with a certain Mr Gilbert Timung.

In September 2012 two Sisters, Sr Sherin Sebastine and Sr Anima Toppo, belonging to the Sisters of St Ann, Luzern came to collaborate in the work. In 2013 when the first floor was completed and the school was shifted to the new building, the medium of instruction was changed to English. Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal was put in charge of the school.

The school has great prospects. Within a radius of ten kilometres there are some 90 villages with a total population of about 50,000. The total number of school-going children is about 20,000. Within this area there are only 7 High Schools of which only four are managed reasonably well. There are 5 M.E. Schools and about 80 L.P. Schools where little teaching and less studying take place. Because of all this the region has remained the least developed and most illiterate in Karbi Anglong.

In 2013, the Salesians opened a hostel to meet the persistent requests of the parents. Some of the students at the hostel are from villages as far as 35 k.m away with no phone facility and no buses and a few L.P. Schools where the teachers often don’t reach. This year (2019) we have 28 boys and 22 girls accommodated in temporary halls. In the years 2013 and 2014 the school had to face various problems from dacoits and extortionists. But the school was able to come through these problems. In February 2014, Br Joby Mani joined, Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal in Baithalangso.

In June 2014, the chapel was completed and blessed. The funds had come from Salesian Missions, New Rochelle, USA. In 2015 the process of getting the school recognised by SEBA was started. Thanks to the hard work and determination of Br Joby Mani, the work was completed so that we were able to register the first batch of class IX students through our own school.

In August 2015, Br Joby Mani was transferred to Maligaon and Fr Joseph Pazhekadavan joined the community as Assistant Parish Priest of Sojong. The first batch of Class X students appeared for their Board Exams in February 2017. There was 100% pass. There is 100% pass also in 2018 and 2019. In 2016 computer education was begun in the school with a set of 21 new computers. There is a library with a reference section as well as a lending section.

On 7 February 2018, Fr Joseph Pazhekadavan met with a tragic accident and died on the way to the hospital. In June 2018, Fr Francis Lakra took charge as Principal of the School. Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal continued as the Director of the mission. Fr Roland Halge joined the community as Assistant Parish Priest of Sojong and Vice Principal.

In 2016, Don Bosco Baithalangso was established as an independent presence. Until then, it was part of Sojong community. Even though the Centre still falls under the parish of Sojong, for the Catholics of this locality, Holy Mass is being celebrated every Sunday. The Salesian community in December 2024 consists of Fr Joseph Teron (Principal and Asst. PP), Fr Dominic Mardi (Adm & APP) and Bro Ojoy M. Sangma (PT).

At present negotiations are going on between the Salesian Province of Guwahati and the Sisters of St Ann, Luzern, Bangalore Province. Though the Sisters have been collaborating with us since 2012 there was no official agreement made. Now an agreement has almost been completed by which the Salesian Province will give two bighas of land on which the Sisters will construct their convent and a hostel for girls of which they will be in-charge.