Guwahati Archdiocese

A Concise History of the Archdiocese of Guwahati

The Archdiocese of Guwahati has the territory consisting of 7 districts – Kamrup (Metro), Kamrup (Rural), Goalpara, Nagaon, Morigaon, Hojai and Tamulpur of the state of Assam.

Two Portuguese Jesuit Missionaries, Cabral and Cacella— the first Christian Missionaries to set foot in Assam—reached Hajo and Guwahati on September 26, 1626. They were enroute to Tibet from Hooghly.

In June 1850, Fr. Robin, Fr. Krick and Fr. Bernardi of the Institute of the Foreign Missions of Paris reached Guwahati. Fr. Robin tried to learn Assamese and establish a centre. Fr. Krick proceeded to Nagaon and from there to Dibrugarh with the intention of going to Tibet. In 1854, Fr. Krick and Fr. Bourry were killed in the Mishmi Hills while trying to enter Tibet. Fr. Jacopo Broy of the Institute of the Foreign Missions of Milan took up residence in Guwahati and built a brick church here in 1883. From this central place he looked after the entire ‘Assam Missions’. Soon we find him in Nagaon where he later built a small church.

In 1889, the Prefecture Apostolic of Assam was created with headquarters at Shillong and was entrusted to the German Salvatorian Fathers. In February 1890, the German Salvatorian Missionaries Frs. Gallus Schrole and Rudolph Fontaine reached Guwahati. They were the two great missionaries of the Assam Valley. By this time, many tribal Catholics from Chota Nagpur had come to work in the Tea Gardens of Assam. With the outbreak of World War I, the German Salvatorian Fathers were forced to 12 Archdiocese of Guwahati return to their country. The Jesuits of Kolkata looked after the Assam mission till the Holy See entrusted it to the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1921.

In 1922, the Salesians of Don Bosco arrived in Northeast India under the leadership of Fr. Louis Mathias. In 1923, Fr. Leo Piasecki took charge of the Mission in Guwahati, which at that time covered the entire Brahmaputra Valley, Nagaland and Manipur. Assam Mission then consisted of the whole of Northeast India. Shillong was the capital of undivided Assam. In 1934 when Shillong was made a Diocese, Msgr Louis Mathias SDB was appointed as its first Bishop. Msgr. Stephen Ferrando succeeded him in 1935.

From Guwahati missionary work reached out to Dibrugarh, Tezpur, Garo Hills and Bhutan. Some of the first Catholics of Manipur and Nagaland had studied at Guwahati.

The Diocese of Guwahati was erected by Pope John Paul II on August 16, 1992 with Bishop Thomas Menamparampil as its first Bishop. It was carved out of the Dioceses of Shillong, Tura and Tezpur, the last contributing the largest portion. It was elevated to the status of an Archdiocese on August 1, 1995 bifurcating it from the Ecclesiastical Province of Shillong. The suffragan Dioceses are Dibrugarh, Tezpur and Diphu. Dioceses of Bongaigaon, Itanagar and Miao, erected later, also form part of the Ecclesiastical Province of Guwahati.

The area of the Archdiocese covers 13,961 with a population of approximately 7,347,961. A Catholic population of 57884 is spread over 46 parishes/Centres. Catholics are mainly from the tribal communities: Garos, Rabhas, Bodos, Karbis, Tiwas, Santals and Adivasis.

01. GUWAHATI – Don Bosco School (1922) C-1926

Patron: St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Evening School, Hr. Sec. School, Alumni, NIOS Study Centre
Don Bosco School
Pan Bazar, Guwahati – 781 001, Assam
Parish – St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral
Don Bosco, Guwahati – 781001, Assam
Tel: (0361) 2543810: H |2606088: HM
Tel Fax: 2606033 | 2540583: School | 2510410: PP
St. Mary’s Convent FMA | Tel: (0361) 2664997

Don Bosco, Guwahati (Pan Bazar), instituted as a Salesian Community in 1926, has two important dimensions, namely St Joseph’s Parish and Don Bosco School. In 1922, when the first group of Salesians took up responsibility for the Assam Missions, Fr Giuseppe Gill and Br Laureano Santana were assigned to Guwahati. They initiated the primary school for boys, the carpentry and the catechists training centre at Guwahati. In 1926, the Salesian community was formally set up with Fr Leo Piasecki as the Rector. By 1928, the workshop was enlarged and an orphanage (boarding) for boys was built. The house was named ‘Our Lady’s Orphanage’. In 1948, Our Lady’s Orphanage metamorphosed into Don Bosco School in Assamese medium. In 2008, the School celebrated its Diamond Jubilee. English medium was introduced in 1962 by popular demand.

In 1959, when the Salesian Province of Guwahati was created, its offices functioned from Don Bosco premises till the new Provincial House was built in 1971. In 1965, the boarding for boys (orphanage) stopped. Due to lack of room, the technical school was shifted to Maligaon in 1969. In 1980, Pre-primary and Primary classes were added. Thanks to the hard work and dedicated service of many, Don Bosco School emerged as one of the most prestigious schools under Secondary Education Board of Assam (SEBA). In 2006, the School got affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). In 2009, Don Bosco obtained affiliation to commence senior secondary classes. From 2009 the School has changed from being a ‘Boys’ School’ to a ‘Co-ed’ School, by admitting girls in Class XI. It began to admit girls in Class 1 in 2010.

The establishment of a centre for the National Institute of Open School (NOIS), Tuition classes for the neighbourhood children, Literacy and Vocational courses for the out-of-school children are all efforts to make Don Bosco School accessible to young people from all strata of the society. Don Bosco School, bearing distinction in academic excellence as well as in sports and co-curricular activities, makes every innovative effort to transform itself into a Youth Resource Development Centre (YRDC).

The vision and commitment of past headmasters like Shri H.M. Das, Fr Patrick Burns, Fr Mathew Kadavunkal, Fr Thomas Vattoth, Fr Paul Kuttala, Fr Thomas Thekkekandam, Fr Joseph Thelekkatt, Fr Sebastian Vadakethamikal, Fr Thomas Vattathara, Fr George Mudakkampuram, Fr Matthew Vellankal, Fr Kuriala Chittattukalam, Fr Joseph Thelekkatt and Fr Anthony Thekkel have placed the School at par with other premier schools in the country. Fr Sebastian Kuricheal was appointed Principal of the school 2014. Other Salesians who worked in the school are Fr Joseph Parippil, Fr Augustine Karottupuram, Br Abraham Vazhamplackal, Fr Chacko Kuthur Vellattukara, Fr Lukose Cheruvalel, Fr Marcus Lakra, Fr Santosh Minj, Fr Johnson Parackal, Fr George Rajendran (now bishop), Fr Damian Basumatary, Fr Benny Mushahary, Fr Saju Kariyil, Fr Jose Thiruthanathy, Fr Pradeep Ekka, Fr Solomon Dennis Joseph, Fr Francis Cheeramban and Fr Xavier Beck. At Present, the School continues to excel under the guidance of Fr Sebastian Kuricheal (Principal), Fr Joseph Paulianmung (Assistant Headmaster) and Fr Vincent Xalxo (Rector &Parish Priest) with the collaboration of the dedicated staff.


St Joseph’s Co-Cathedral Parish, has its remote origin with the arrival of Fr Jacopo Broy (PIME) in 1872. In 1870, Propaganda Fide erected the new Prefecture Apostolic of Central Bengal with Krishnagar as its headquarters. The territories of Assam and Bhutan were adjoined to it. It was entrusted to PIME (Milan Foreign Mission Society) for missionary work. Fr Jacopo Broy of Venice, sent by PIME superiors, reached Guwahati on 10 June 1872. On 14 July 1883, Fr Broy blessed a small chapel and a residence at Guwahati. The chapel was dedicated to St Joseph. The Catholic community under Fr Broy’s care numbered less than one hundred, mostly Europeans and Anglo Indians and a few Indians. But they were scattered in the length and breadth of Assam. Against all the odds, Fr Broy cared for the flock till the arrival of the Salvatorians (SDS) in 1890. By 1892, Fr Gallus Schoeb SDS took up residence at Guwahati and continued the work of Fr Broy. In spite of opposition from some quarters, Fr Gallus began to turn his attention to the tea garden workers. In 1897, the chapel at Guwahati was destroyed in an earthquake. He bought a plot of land adjacent to the old one and built a new residence and chapel. Fr Gallus returned to Europe in October 1906, having suffered a nervous breakdown. Fr Rudolf Fontaine SDS succeeded him at Guwahati. Under Fr Rudolf the missionary work in the Assam Valley extended among the Tea Garden workers. On 1 January 1910, the foundation stone for a new church at Guwahati was laid by Fr Edward Hackenbrosch and the blessing of the church took place on 27 November 1910. The work of the Salvatorian missionaries came to an abrupt end with their expulsion from the country due to World War I in 1915. In the following years, the Jesuits from Calcutta looked after the spiritual needs of the faithful.

With the arrival of the Salesians in Assam in 1922, the mission work received a boost. Fr Giuseppe Gil and Br Laureano Santana were the first Salesians assigned to Guwahati. They reached Guwahati on 1 March 1922. In a couple of months Fr Gil visited several towns, villages and tea estates of Assam, reaching up to Nowgong, Lakhimpur and Sibsagar. Towards the end of November 1922, Fr Leo Piasecki was sent to Guwahati as Assistant to Fr Gil. On 14 June 1925 Mgr Louis Mathias blessed the newly built larger church of Guwahati. The number of baptisms in the mission district of Guwahati in 1925 counted 500, mainly among the Garos and the Adivasis. In December 1925, Fr Gil was sent to begin the Salesian work in Calcutta; Fr Leo Piasecki was appointed superior of Guwahati mission. Few weeks later, Fr Francis Mormol joined him as Assistant. Two clerics Eligio Cinato and Mariano Camolese were sent in February 1926 to look after the boarding and to help at the Industrial School at the start. The Salesian Sisters who had reached Guwahati in 1923 began to care for the girls (work room and boarding) and look after the sick in the government hospital. Prior to the arrival of the Salesian Sisters, the Catechist Sisters of Mary Immaculate from Paris, France, who had reached Guwahati in 1913, worked for some years.

In 1928, Fr Piasecki started to publish a Hindi monthly called Salesian Khabaren (Salesian News) to instruct the people and to spread devotion to Our Lady. Clerics Orestes Marengo and Hubert Marocchino who were at Guwahati, helped with the preparation of the magazine. In 1929, Fr Efisio Sanna was sent to be in charge of the community at Guwahati, so that Fr Piasecki would be more free to reach out to the far away villages. In 1930, Fr Sanna was transferred to Calcutta, and Fr Vincent Scuderi was appointed rector and mission superior at Guwahati. In 1931, Guwahati mission district was divided into two: the districts of Dibrugarh and Guwahati. Fr Piasecki was moved to Dibrugarh. Fr Scuderi was made the superior of Guwahati. It consisted of five civil districts of Garo Hills, Goalpara, Kamrup, Darrang and Nowgong. Soon Fr Archimedes Pianazzi and Fr Anthony Alessi joined Guwahati and shared the responsibility. Fr Pianazzi looked after Garo Hills and Goalpara districts, while Fr Alessi would visit Darrang and Nowgong districts. In 1932, the Mission district of Guwahati was further divided; two new districts were created namely that of Tezpur and Dhubri. Fr Alessi went to Tezpur assisted by newly ordained Fr Aloysius Ravalico. The Mission district of Dhubri was to be manned by Fr Pianazzi helped by Fr Luigi Rocca, another newly ordained priest. Though the Guwahati Mission was reduced in size and number, the missionary activities flourished and number of baptisms increased among the Adivasis and Boros. In October 1934, Fr Orestes Marengo was made the mission superior of Guwahati. In the following year Fr Alessi was transferred from Tezpur and made superior of Guwahati so that Fr Marengo was left free to visit villages and baptize. At the end of 1938, Fr Alessi was assigned to pioneer Salesian mission in Burma. Fr Mario Ferrario, the new superior, reached Guwahati on 5 January 1939. On 18 February in the following year, Fr Attilio Colussi took over as the rector and mission superior of Guwahati.

During the years of World War II (1939-45), the mission work in Guwahati suffered much. Most of the Italian priests and the clerics were moved out of Guwahati, first to Shillong and then out of Assam. The Mission campus at Guwahati became shelter place for the refugees of World War II. The Salesians, priests and sisters, rendered most appreciable service to the wounded and sick soldiers of the War. Only by February 1948, the School began to function again; in the middle of 1949 Fr Luigi Arneodo replaced Fr Attilio Colussi as the rector of the house. Due to the request of civil authorities, the Mission opened a hostel for the students of Cotton College. But towards the end of the same year (1949), at the recommendation of Rev. Fr A. Fedrigotti during the extraordinary visitation, the hostel for the College students was closed down.

In the post-Independence years, the mission work continued to be carried out with much zeal. The dedicated work of Parish priests like Fr Patrick Burns (1969-73), Fr Mathew Kadavunkal (1973-79), Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel (1979-85), Fr Elias Kerketta (1985-89), Fr Lukose Cheruvalel (1989-91), Fr Augustine Karottupuram (1991-95), Fr Albano D’Mello (1995-2003), Fr Matthew Parackatte (2003-06), Fr Marcus Lakra (2006-2011), Fr Solomon Denis Joseph (2011-2012), Fr Jose Thiruthanathy (2012-2015) and Fr Francis Cheeramben (2015-2017) have contributed much to the growth of the Parish. From 2017 onwards, Fr Vincent Xalxo is serving as the Parish Priest.The present church building was constructed during the years 1989-1990 and was blessed by Most Rev. Hubert D’Rosario, the then Archbishop of Shillong-Guwahati, on 6 October 1990.In the decades past, the Catholic community increased in number; the number of diocesan priests grew; the religious institutions multiplied; new Parishes were opened; and the overall growth of the Church in the region resulted in the creation of the diocese of Guwahati in 1992. It became an Archdiocese in 1995 and St Joseph’s Parish Church served as the Cathedral Church of the Archdiocese. When the Archdiocese constructed a Cathedral at Rukmanigaon, Dispur, St Joseph’s Church was declared Co-Cathedral.

As per the latest statistics, the Parish has 2915 Catholics. The Catholic families number 522. Guwahati, being the gateway to the rest of north-east India and a cosmopolitan city, nearly fifty percent of the Catholic population is temporarily settled. There are two main Catholic village settlements, namely, Tonybasti and Darjeeling Basti. In the recent years, a number of religious congregations have set up their communities within the Parish. Various Lay Associations collaborate in the life and activities of the Parish.

Fr. Alex Kattakayam       Fr Kishor Moshahary              Fr Vincent Xalxo

        (Principal)                       VP & Asst. PP                             Rector & PP

02. DAMRA (1946) C-1992

Patron: Michael the Archangel | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel, Youth Animation, Animation for Catechists
Catholic Church
Damra – 783 122, Assam
Tel : (03663) 280045: House | 281509: School
Nirmala Convent MSMHC | Tel: (03663) 281627

The earliest contacts of the Salesian missionaries with Damra region dates back to the 1930s. As the number of Catholics increased, the need was felt to start a Mission centre for the Garo’s of the region. Karkutta was chosen as a possible centre and Fr Hubert Colzani reached there on 8 May 1946. But having found Damra more convenient place for the mission centre, Fr Colzani began the work there. Fr George Stadler soon joined. In 1951, Fr Battista Busolin replaced Fr Stadler.

In 1951, Fr Willy Schoofs took charge of the Mission. In the same year Don Bosco M.E. School (Garo Medium) was started. It was upgraded to High School in 1957. During his time, much of the infrastructure for the Parish and the Convent was built. An Assamese Medium M.E. School was opened in 1956, and in 1971 it was upgraded to a High School.

The Mission received further boost during the years when Fr Dominic Curto was the Parish Priest (1956-1969). In 1964, a large number of Garo Catholics migrated from Bangladesh and settled in the area. New villages were contacted and the number of Catholics steadily increased. Unfortunately, Fr Curto had to leave the Mission in 1969 following a quit order served by the government on foreign missionaries. Fr George Elavumkunnel, a diocesan priest, looked after the Mission during the years 1969-71. He began to contact the Rabha community.

In the successive years, Fr Victor Ampanattuvila, Fr Thomas Kochupurackal, Fr Paul Panachickal, Fr Jose Valiaveettil, Fr Barnabas Mardi, Fr John Chellanthara and Fr Milon Narjary served as Parish Priests. Others who worked in the Parish include Fr Martin Caligaris, Fr Alexander M.P. (diocesan priest), Fr Humbert Marocchino, Fr George Pooppalli MSFS, Fr Maria Selvam, Fr John Vadakkekuzhikattil, Fr Thomas Kunnamkudath and Fr George Ollickal MST and Fr Jose Thattil Umbavu.

The schools at the Mission made great progress, in spite of occasional difficulties. The pioneers were followed by equally committed missionaries like Fr Joseph Maliekal, Fr Kuriala Chittatukalam, Fr Augustine Karottupuram, Fr Cornelius Panna, Fr Augustine Edasserithottathil, Fr Michael Bengra, Br Barnabas Haw, Fr Andreas Panna, Br Benjamin Kujur, Fr Christopher Warlarpih, Fr Johnson Parackal, Fr Victor Tigga and Br Solomon Swer.

In 1992, the Mission became a canonically established Salesian Community under the patronage of St Michael the Archangel. At present the Salesian community at Damra consists of Fr Francis Kalariparampil (Rector and Parish Priest), Fr Albert T Sangma (Assistant Parish Priest and Headmaster, provincialized School) Br Nirmal Ekka (Headmaster, Don Bosco Colzani School) and Fr Francis Xavier Lakra (VP and Asst. PP). The Parish statistics of 2019 count about 4000 Catholics scattered in 72 villages. The main ethnic groups are Garos, Rabhas and Bodos. The Parish originally belonged to Shillong Archdiocese, then to the diocese of Tura and now it is part of Guwahati Archdiocese.

Damra Mission, can be rightly called the Mother Mission in the region, as it has given birth to numerous Parishes. Boko (1993), Mariampur (1995), Panishali (1995), Gojapara (1997), Goalpara (1998), Rangjuli (1998), Chhaygaon (2004), Matia (2005), Mallangkona (2007), Tillapara (2009), Loharghat (2010), Majerburi (2011) and Hahim (2013) in the Archdiocese of Guwahati were carved out from the territory of Damra. Similarly, in the diocese of Tura, the Parishes of Rongjeng (1971), Resubelpara (1971), William Nagar (1977), Mendal (1977), Mangsang (1979), Chima-Impel (1984), Nongalbibra (1989), Songsak (1992), Mendipathar (1995), Samanda (2000), Kharkutta (2004), Chidimit (2004), Dawagre (2005), Damas (2011) and Bajengdoba (2014) were once part of Damra Parish. The Nirmala Convent of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC) was officially set up on 10 December 1975. The Sisters are actively involved in the Parish ministry, education, catechesis and health care.

On 24 January 2000, Rev. Fr Victor Ampanattuvila, the then Parish Priest, opened the Don Bosco Colzani School in order to educate the poor Catholics of the area. The school has grown in number over the years and a new school building was constructed and it was blessed on 13 May 2017. At present, the School has progressed to Class X and the first batch of students from the School will write their High School Leaving Examination in February 2020. Today there are 850 students enrolled in the school. In view of the visit of Rector Major in November 2017, the Church and the provincialized school building were renovated. The living rooms of the Salesians were reconditioned and the entire surrounding was given a face-lift in order to receive the successor of Don Bosco to the Centre.

03. GOJAPARA (1998) (Presence attached to Damra)

Patron: St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel
Catholic Church
P.O. Dwarka, Gojapara, Via Agia
Goalpara, Assam – 783 120
Tel: (03663) 291913 (WLL) | 94350 24477: Parish
Convent: Handmaids of Mary: Maria Niketan

The Parish of Gojapara, dedicated to Blessed Michael Rua, was officially inaugurated on 16 March 1997. Fr Paul Panachickal was appointed its first Parish Priest and Fr Barnabas Mardi, the Assistant. The main ethnic groups in the area are the Rabhas, Gaors, Boros Rajbonshi and the Assamese. The Parish area was carved out of Damra Parish. The missionaries while stationed at Damra, began visiting the villages of Gojapara area. Fr Battista Busolin, Fr Dominic Curto, Fr George Elavumkunnel, Fr Victor Ampanattuvila, Fr John Vadakkekuzhikattil and others, while at Damra, baptized many in the Gojapara area, especially people belonging to the Garo community. It was Fr Jose Thattil Umbavu and Fr Paul Panachickal who began to give greater attention to the Rabha community of Gojapara area. Since the beginning of the Parish of Gojapara in 1997, the evangelization work among the Rabhas received a fillip. In the recent years, the number of Catholics among the Rabhas increased. The Catholic community of Gojapara consists mainly of the Garos and the Rabhas.

The Parish statistics (December 2019) show the total number of Catholics as 5393, spread out in 40 villages. There are 894 Catholic families in the Parish. The Parish of Gojapara is noted for many vocations to priesthood and religious life. The priestly ordination of Fr Paul Rabha on 6 September 2008 at Gojapara was a great manifestation of the growth of the Church in the area.

The dedicated work of Fr Paul Panachickal (Parish Priest 1997-2008) contributed greatly to the growth of the Parish. Thanks to the hard work of Fr Paul, the number of Catholics in the Parish increased steadily; the infrastructure at the Parish, like the church, the residence for the priests, the school, the hostels, the convent and the dispensary were built up. A number of village chapels were constructed in the past years. Lemokona, where a beautiful chapel was blessed on 28 February 2008, has a vibrant Catholic community of more than 100 families.

The Salesian presence of Gojapara is an independent community. In the past  years, Fr John Bosco Minj, Fr Abraham Vetticad, Fr Augustine Karottupuram, Fr Thomas Kochupurackal, Fr Michael Bhengra, Br Joby Mani, Fr Victor Ampanattuvila Fr John Chellanthara, Fr Xavier Tete,  Fr Ajay Xaxa and others have served in the Parish. At present Fr. Lucas Ch. Marak is the Parish Priest, Fr. Arvind Kailash is the Principal and Fr. Hopna Tudu  is the Assistant Parish Priest.

The Parish gives much attention to the educational needs of the children and the young. Don Bosco School at the Centre has Classes up to Class X. The School has a strength of 800 students. The hostels for boys and girls accommodate nearly 150 children from far away villages. The group of sisters belonging to the Handmaids of Mary (HM) set up their convent, known as Maria Niketan, at Gojapara in 1999. They help in the school and the hostel, and carry out missionary work, like visiting families and catechizing.In recent years, due to the hard work of Fr Augustine Karottupuram, a shrine in honour of St John Bosco was constructed and blessed. The construction of new Stations of the Cross along the hilly areas of the campus was completed last year.

Fr Lucas Marak                Fr Arvind Kailash          Fr Hopna Tudu

           Inc. & PP                       Principal                              Asst. PP

04. GUWAHATI – Provincial House C-1992

Patroness: Mary Help of Christians | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Provincial Headquarter, Mission Procure
Don Bosco Provincial House
P.B. 258, A.R. Baruah Road
Panbazar, Guwahati – 781 001, Assam
Tel: (0361) 2510458
2510411: Provincial
2602516: Vice Provincial
2637406: Economer
(0361) 2515822: Provincial Office

Auxilium, FMA – Christian Basti | Tel : (0361) 2340796

Holy Child FMA, Chandmari | Tel: (0361) 2656738

Little Flower Convent, MSMHC – Hatigaon | Tel : (0361) 2228601

Mary Immaculate, SMI – Dispur |Tel: (0361) 2268259

With the birth of the Salesian Province of Guwahati in 1959, Guwahati was chosen as the headquarters of the new Province. The city had the advantage of being the gateway to north-east India. Considering the Salesian works spread over the vast region of north-east India, Guwahati was the most suitable location for its headquarters in view of communication and accessibility. Initially, the offices of the Provincial House were adjusted in the old Don Bosco School and Parish premises. In order to create more space and facility for the Provincial House, Don Bosco Technical School was transferred to Maligaon in 1969. With the multiplication of Salesian presences and the increase of the personnel in the region, the need for more suitable administrative offices and accommodation facilities was keenly felt. Soon, the work began on the new structure. By the year 1971, a two-storey building was completed and the Provincial offices were shifted to the new building.

In 1989, another two more floors were added to the existing Provincial House and a new building was constructed to provide accommodation for the domestic staff. An annexe was built to provide office space for various Provincial Commissions. The Provincial House functions as the nerve centre of the huge network of Salesian works in the region and a care friendly home cum transit place for numerous Salesians and others. Till 1992, the Salesians at the Provincial House formed part of the canonical community of Don Bosco School and Parish. In 1992, Don Bosco Provincial House Community, under the patronage of Mary Help of Christians, was canonically established. The rectors of the Provincial House since 1992 are: Archbishop Dominic Jala (1992- 1993), Fr Francis Cheeramben (1993-1999), Fr Philip Barjo (1999-2000), Fr Joseph Almeida (2000-2006), Fr John Mathew Mundaplackal (2006-2009), Fr Ethelbert Minj (2009-2012), Fr Thomas Lakra (2012-2015), Fr Zacharias Varickasseril (2015-2017), Fr Maria Arul Anthuvan Tharsis (2017-). It should be noted some of the Vice Provincials also served as Rectors of the Provincial House at the same time. Other perpetually professed confreres who worked in the Provincial House since its canonical establishment are Fr Abraham Kanattu, Fr Abraham Vetticad, Fr Albert Dung Dung, Fr Alexius Dkhar, Fr Anthony Marak, Fr Anugrah Tete, Fr Benedict Kiro, Fr Benedict Toppo, Fr Benjamin Daimari, Br Benjamin Engtih Kathar, Fr Biju Michael Pulianmackal, Fr Cyril Tirkey, Fr Davis Aricatt, Fr Edmund Gomes, Fr Edward D’Souza, Fr Francis Hembrom, Fr Francis Kottekarotte, Fr George Mudakkampuram, Fr George Palamattathil, Fr George Plathottam, Fr Henry Warbah, Fr Hubert Marak, Fr Hubert Uttam Molsom, Fr Jacob Thotekat, Fr James Perunneparampil, Fr Jeevan Kishore Lakra, Fr Jerry Thomas Pathikulangara, Fr Joachim Kandulna, Fr John Bosco Minj, Fr John D. Jayakumar, Fr John Topno, Fr Jonas Toppo, Fr Jose Kadaprayil, Fr Jose Kunnathukizhakethil, Fr Jose Perunneparambil, Fr Jose Valiaveetil, Fr Joseph Puthenpurakal, Fr Joseph Parippil, Fr Joseph Pazhekadavan, Fr Joshy Thomas Elavumkunnel, Fr Kuriakose Palathinkal, Fr Louis Arimboor, Fr Louis Kerketta, Fr Marcus Lakra, Fr Mario Porcu, Br Mathew Vazhamplackal, Fr Mathew Vellankal, Fr Pascal Dung Dung, Fr Paul Kuttala, Fr Paul Kuttikadan, Fr Paul Olphindro Lyngkot, Fr Paul Rabha, Br Peter Jamatia Apomoni, Fr Peter Paul Hauhnar, Fr Rajendra Joseph Ekka, Fr Raphael Cherukareth, Fr Robert Faustin Lalfakzuala, Fr Saimy Joseph Ezhanikatt, Fr Santosh Minj, Fr Sebastian Kunnathukuzhy, Fr Sebastian Tirkey, Fr Solomon Dennis Joseph, Fr Sonny Abraham Malipuram, Br Sunil Prakash Kerketta, Fr Sylvanus Sngi Lyngdoh, Fr Thomas Chenginiyaden, Fr Thomas Edamattathu, Fr Thomas John Koitharaputhenpura, Fr Thomas Kochupurackal, Fr Thomas Kunnappillil, Fr Thomas Pampadiyil, Fr Milon Narjary, Br Sunil Prakash Kerketta, Fr Maria Arul Anthuvan Tharsis, Fr. John Paul Tirkey and Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel.At present, the Provincial House, Guwahati community consists of Fr Sebastian Kuricheal (Provincial), Fr Bivan Rodriques Mukhim (Vice Provincial) and Fr Jayaprakash Antonimuttu (Provincial Economer), Fr. Charles Deepen Lakra (Rector), Bro Michael Kindo (Administrator), Fr Francis Cheeramben (Confessor) and Fr Robert Faustin Lalfakzuala.

05. GUWAHATI – Maligaon (1968) C-1969

Patron:St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Parish & Technical School
Don Bosco Tech. School
Maligaon, Guwahati – 781 011, Assam
Tel: (0361) 2570459: H | 84040 40944: Reception
Website :
St Mary’s Convent FMA | Tel: (0361) 2570533

Auxilium, FMA – Christian Basti | Tel : (0361) 2340796

Holy Child FMA, Chandmari | Tel: (0361) 2656738

Little Flower Convent, MSMHC – Hatigaon | Tel : (0361) 2228601

Mary Immaculate, SMI – Dispur |Tel: (0361) 2268259

Don Bosco Technical School, Maligaon has a multifaceted history. In 1926, the Salesians had started a trade school in a very modest way at Panbazar, Guwahati. Fr Leo Piasecki was the rector. The Salesian community was known as ‘Our Lady’s Orphanage’. In the following years the trade school with carpentry and a few other vocational training programmes got enlarged and existed side by side with the formal school. For the maintenance of the trade school and the orphanage, a plot of paddy field measuring 12 acres at Gotanagar (Maligaon) was bought.

In 1959, the new Salesian Province of Guwahati was created and Don Bosco School at Panbazar (Guwahati) was considered the most suitable location for the Provincial House. In the course of time, with the growth of the Salesian works in Guwahati, the existing premises were found to be inadequate. In order to create a convenient place for the Provincial House, it was decided in 1969 to shift the technical school and the boarding to Maligaon. When the need for shifting the technical school from Guwahati arose, it was decided that a full-fledged technical school would be constructed at Maligaon.

Fr Joseph Dal Broi had started staying at Maligaon from 31 May 1968. It was more for the purpose of being chaplain to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) and their aspirants. Few years earlier a part of the land was ceded to the Salesian sisters for a convent and aspirantate. Fr Dal Broi did not stay long at Maligaon. After three months, he was transferred to Kolkata. It was left to Fr Mario Porcu to take over the work and establish the technical school. In fact, the establishment of the technical school at Maligaon was very much associated with Fr Mario.

The School envisaged the training of the students, particularly boys from the Assam plains, in various technical skills. The curriculum to be followed was the same as that of the government ITI, and it was hoped that in course of time, it would seek official recognition. The school would have hostel facilities for about 120 students. Day scholars were also to be admitted for the training. The boys selected for the course would have to be at least studying in class VII. After the workshop hours, it was proposed to have evening classes to prepare them for writing the matriculation examinations.

The Salesian community was canonically recognized in 1969 under the patronage of St John Bosco. The school was officially opened on 3 February 1969. There were 112 students in the boarding and quite a number of day scholars. The staff included three brothers and 5 lay instructors. In 1971 application was made for sending up the first batch of candidates for the ITI exams as private candidates. In 1972, the staff found that it was not possible for boys coming from the villages and studying in classes VII and VIII to be studying the regular ITI curriculum. Hence it was decided to discontinue admitting boys who had not completed class VIII to the technical course. Efforts were made to get the technical school recognized by the Government. But it never came through. As a consequence, many of the staff left and the students too steadily decreased over the years. It was in this context that the plan of opening a fully residential school for Catholic students of the Assam plains was seriously considered. So on 27 September 1983, it was decided that the technical school would be turned into a residential high school for the Catholic boys of Assam plains, with the object of forming future leaders. Accordingly, in 1984 no new trainees were admitted. In the residential school section, boys were admitted to class

Since the machines were lying idle, some of the boys attending the school during the work-hours were trained to do work in carpentry and welding. In 1986, the non-formal technical school was restarted as a separate programme. The technical section got a new lease of life, thanks to the hard work of Fr Mathew Payappilly and the financial assistance by Bosco Reach Out. The formal school obtained recognition up to class

However, the high school experiment was discontinued in later years and at present, only the non-formal section functions. Another important dimension of the apostolate was introduced in 2008. On 24 May 2008, Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati officially constituted the Parish of Maligaon under the patronage of Mary Help of Christians. Fr Elias Kerketta was appointed the first Parish Priest. Though at present the number of Catholics in the Parish is only about 250, Maligaon holds out chance for greater growth in every way, for reasons such as, being the headquarters of North Frontier Railways.

In the past years the following rectors have rendered their services: Fr Mario Porcu, Fr Anthony Poothara, Fr Gervasis Kozhupathadam, Fr Paul Kuttala, Fr Louis Arimboor, Fr Isaac Mattappillil, Fr Joseph Kizhakechennadu, Fr Victor Ampanattuvila, Fr Elias Kerketta, Fr John Bosco Minj, Fr Mario Porcu, Fr Raphael Cherukareth, Fr Santosh Minj, Fr Abraham Kanattu and Fr Benny Plathottathil Basil. Fr Mario Porcu served the community as Rector twice. In 2017, Fr Bhaskar Raj Chinthamalla was appointed Rector.

Other perpetually professed confreres who worked in the Maligaon include Archbishop Dominic Jala, Fr Jose Varickasseril, Fr Joseph Almeida, Fr Cornelius Panna, Fr Matthew Payappilly, Fr Joseph Kavalakkadan, Fr Joseph Puthenpurakal, Fr Louis Kerketta, Fr Jose Kadaprayil, Fr George Karipaparampil, Fr Stephen Mavely, Fr Kuriala Chittattukalam, Fr Augustine Karottupuram, Fr Thomas Manooramparampil, Fr Alphonse Malngiang, Br Aloysius Indwar, Br Raphael Kerketta, Br Dominic Indwar, Fr Benedict Botkeswar Sangma, Br Angelus Tete, Br Benjamin Indwar, Br Benjamin Kujur, Fr Gabriel Gabil Momin, Fr Abraham Vetticad, Fr Hubert Uttam Molsom, Fr Simplicius Kerketta, Fr Jeremias Tirkey, Fr Benjamin Daimari,  Fr Sebirence Islary, Fr Bhaskar Raj Chinthamalla and Fr Siby John Vattaparayil.

Besides the Parish and the Technical School, the Centre runs a number of short-term skill training programmes in order to empower the young people and to prepare them for employment. During the past few years, the campus received a fresh look with the construction of a three-storeyed building to house the skill training programmes, the renovation of the existing structures and the raising of the low laying areas with mud filling that were inundated during most part of the year. At present, the Salesian community consists of Fr Augustine Karottupuram (Rector and Parish Priest), Br Joby Mani (Director & Administrator) and Fr. Augustine Edasserithottathil (Vice Rector and Assistant Parish Priest).

Fr. K O Augustine            Br. Joby Mani                       Fr. E.P. Augustine

    (Rt. & PP)                             (Dir.&Adm)                           (VR & Asst.PP)

06. KUMARIKATTA (1977) C-2005

Patron: St Joseph | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel
Catholic Church
Kumarikatta – 781 360
Nalbari Dt., Assam
Tel : (03624) 235034/211535 (WLL) Parish | 284390: Sashipur
Shanti Nivas Convent SMI | Tel: (03624) 235035

The Parish of Kumarikatta, situated adjacent to the border of the Kingdom of Bhutan, was officially started in 1977 under the patronage of St Joseph. The Salesian presence at Kumarikatta became a canonical community in 2005. The Parish has an ethnic mosaic of Oraon, Munda, Kharia groups of Adivasis, Santals, Bodos, Garos, Rabhas and others.

The history of the Parish of Kumarikatta is intimately linked to the Parishes of Barpeta Road and Doomni. The Parish of Doomni was carved out from Barpeta Road in 1972 and then from Doomni was carved out the Parish of Kumarikatta in 1977. Fr Orestes Marengo, appointed in-charge of the Mission district of Guwahati in 1934, began to visit the villages surrounding Kumarikatta. In 1936, when the Barpeta Road Mission was separated from Guwahati, the missionaries stationed at Barpeta Road made more frequent visits to the villages of Kumarikatta. Some of the early missionaries who visited the villages of Kumarikatta were Fr Michael De Valle, Fr Theodore Bonomi, Fr Tomas Lopez, Fr Ernest Zanon, Fr Remus Morra, Fr Louis Kerketta, and Fr Joseph Zubizarreta. In 1972, the Parish of Doomni was established. Fr Chandy Edamalai of Madras Province was appointed as its first Parish Priest. Kumarikatta area came under Doomni Parish.

When Fr Chandy Edamalai returned to his home-province, Fr Elias Kerketta became the Parish Priest of Doomni. Fr Joseph Variathukalayil (VM) reached Doomni in 1974 as Assistant priest. Soon Fr Joseph Variathukalayil was given the special charge of the sub-centre of Kumarikatta. In 1975, he began to reside in Mariampur village, some distance away from Kumarikatta, in a small hut. In the same year a plot of land was bought at Kumarikatta proper for the Mission centre. Fr Joseph Variathukalayil began to stay at Kumarikatta in a thatched shed. In 1977, the Parish of Kumarikatta was officially inaugurated. Fr Joseph Variathukalayil worked single-handedly from 1976-83. The Parish church was completed in 1981.

Fr Alexis Sanglura succeeded as the second Parish Priest (1983-87). It was during his time that an English Medium Primary School was opened at Kumarikatta. A boarding for the boys also was started at the Parish. Fr Kuriakose Palathinkal (Dimapur Province) took over as Parish Priest (1987-90) from Fr Alexis Sanglura. The English medium school was closed down due to financial constraints and low enrolment. This action caused much hostile sentiments from the parishioners and the non-Christian guardians. For a brief period (1991-93), Kumarikatta Parish served also as Apostolic school for the boys of Class VII who would then proceed to Savio Juniorate in Shillong. Fr Thomas Pampadiyil was in-charge of the Apostolic boys at Kumarikatta. Fr Augustine Edasserithottathil was appointed Parish Priest of Kumarikatta in October 1990 and Fr Santhosh Minj the Assistant. One of the economic upliftment programmes started in the Parish during this period was the Christian deposit scheme. In 1992, an English Medium Primary School was established at Horotola. It was later shifted to Sashipur and developed into Don Bosco High School.

In 1993, Fr Elias Kerketta took over as the Parish Priest. He reopened the Parish boarding for the boys. Fr George Chittappanatt served as the Assistant priest from 1993 till 2002. On 18 January 1997, the ordination of Fr Barnabas Mardi from Motigaon village, the first Salesian priest from the Parish, took place at Kumarikatta. In 1998 Fr Ethelbert Minj was appointed Parish Priest. In 2002, Fr Nicodim Aind joined as the Assistant Parish Priest. After Fr Ethelbert, Fr Jonas Kerketta and later Fr Bhaskar Raj Chinthamalla served as Parish Priests. The other Salesians who worked in the Parish in the past years were Fr Mathew Kadavunkal, Fr John Topno, Fr Albert Dung Dung, Fr Philip Barjo, Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel, Fr Jose Perunneparampil, Br Athansisus Guria, Br Raphael Kerketta, Br Aloysius Indwar, Br Solomon Swer, Fr Jonas Toppo, Fr Cornelius Panna, Fr Glorius Syiemlieh, Fr Paul Kuttikadan, Br Martin Basumatary , Br Augustine Fernandez , Fr Joseph Thelekkatt, Fr Bhaskar Raj Chintamalla, Fr Zacharias Minj, Fr Raphael Cherukareth and Fr George Mudakkampuram.

Over the years, the Catholic community of Kumarikatta has grown. The Middle School at Kumarikatta and the High School at Sashipur provide educational opportunity for Catholics as well as others. At present the Salesian community at  Kumarikatta consists of Fr Amit Chama Lakra (Rector and Parish Priest), Fr Ranjit Xalxo (Principal, Kumarikatta) and Fr Bipin Kumar Lakra. The other three confreres Fr Nicodim Aind (Principal -Sashipur), Fr Markus Lakra (Asst. PP and in-charge Aspirantate) and Fr Paul Minj (Vice Principal – Sashipur, Assistant Parish Priest) reside in Sashipur.

The Parish Council (Palli Sahayak Samiti) and the Women’s Association (Mahila Samiti) are active in the Parish. In recently, a new block was constructed in order to accommodate the growing number of students. The Salesian residence was also given a face-lift.

In 1984, the Sisters of Mary Immaculate (SMI) began their apostolate in Kumarikatta Parish. The pioneer members Sr Ruby Konnoor, Sr Stephanie Chazhoor, Sr Maggie K. Nayan and Sr Doreen Coviel arrived at Kumarikatta on 26 June 1984 at the invitation of Bishop Robert Kerketta of Tezpur. The newly built Shanti Nivas Convent and Shanti Nivas Health Centre were blessed by Bishop Robert on 29 June 1984. The Sisters are actively involved in the pastoral work of the Parish like evangelization, catechesis, empowerment of women, health care and many other services. They conduct the hostel for the girls at the Parish.


Patron: Don Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Primary, Middle & High School, Hr. Sec. School
Don Bosco School
Sashipur, Daranga Mela 781 360
Baksa Dt. Assam
Cluny Convent, Sashipur | Tel: (03624) 284257

Don Bosco School, Sashipur, situated on the gateway to Bhutan, had its humble beginning in the nearby village of Horotola. When he was the Parish Priest of Kumarikatta (1990-93), Fr Augustine Edasserithottathil began an English Medium Primary School on 10 February 1992 in a little shed at Horotola. Meanwhile, seeing the educational need of the people and recognising the possibility of evangelization in the region, a larger plot of land was purchased at Sashipur for a Don Bosco School. The foundation stone for the School was laid on 1 November 1993. In 1995, the school at Horotola was shifted to Sashipur, though the school building was not yet completed. The newly constructed Don Bosco School at Sashipur was blessed by Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil on 6 January 1996. Fr Elias Kerketta (Parish Priest 1993-98), exercising his responsibility as the Principal, used to visit the School daily.

The Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny arrived at Sashipur on 4 January 1996. They used the top floor of the School as their temporary residence. Later, they built up their own residence. The sisters rendered their services to the School, while the Parish Priest of Kumarikatta was officially the Principal. The School situated in a strategic place bordering Bhutan grew in number and got affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE), thanks to the hard work of Fr Ethelbert Minj (Parish Priest 1998- 2005) and others. In 2002, Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal was appointed Principal of the School, separating the responsibility for the School from that of Parish Priest. In February 2002, Fr Joseph began his residence in the School premises at Sashipur. At present Fr Nicodim Aind (Principal -Sashipur), Fr Markus Lakra (Asst Parish Priest and In-charge of aspirants) and Fr Paul Minj (Vice Principal – Sashipur, Assistant Parish Priest) reside in Sashipur. Other confreres who worked in the school are Fr Glorius Syiemlieh, Fr Paul Kuttikadan, Br Martin Basumatary, Br Augustine Fernandes, Fr Cornelius Panna, Fr Raphael Cherukareth and Fr George Mudakkampuram.

Don Bosco School, Sashipur has grown into a full-fledged secondary school and holds out great possibilities for education and evangelization in the region. Although the school was upgraded into higher secondary, due to the lack of students, the higher secondary section has been put on hold. During the time of Fr George Mudakkampuram, a chapel, nursery block and an in-door stadium cum auditorium were constructed. For some years, the Centre also organised skill training programmes in order to empower and to provide employment to young people under the aegis of DB Tech.

08. BOKO (1993) C-2001

Patron: St. John Bosco | Archdiocese of Guwahati
Activities: Parish, Primary, Middle & High School, Hostel, Alumni
Don Bosco School
Boko – 781 123, Assam
Tel: (03623) 282605: House | 282247: School | 282496: BBC
Vicuna Niketan FMA
Tel: (03623) 282331 | 96130 60724: Superior

The Parish of Boko had its beginnings in 1984 as a sub-centre of the Parish of Sonaighuli. The area has a multi-ethnic colour with the presence of various groups like the Rabhas, the Bodos and the Garos. The Centre had in focus a greater evangelization thrust among the Rabhas of the area. The Parish was officially erected in 1993 under the patronage of St John Bosco with Fr Mario Porcu as the first Parish Priest and Fr Jose Valiaveettil as Assistant Parish Priest. The Parish has an English medium High School, which was opened in 1984, with Fr John Bosco Minj as its first headmaster. It is very well appreciated by the local people. In 1994, the Province shifted the pre-aspirantate from Kumarikatta to Boko. It functioned at Boko till 2004.

In 2001, the Salesian presence at Boko was recognized as a canonical community. The Rectors who served the community in the past are Fr Jose Valiaveettil, Fr Jose Kavalakadan, Fr Abraham Kanattu and Fr Vincent Xalxo. In 2016, Fr Joy Kachappilly was appointed Rector and Parish Priest.

Other than the pioneers, the following confreres worked at Boko: Fr Ethelbert Minj, Fr John Vadakkekuzhikattil, Fr Abraham Vetticad, Fr Michael Bhengra, Fr Chacko Kuthur Vellattukara, Fr Augustine Karottupuram, Fr Marcus Lakra, Fr Thomas Thekkekandom, Fr Wilson Panthanluparambil, Fr Raphael Cherukareth, Fr Ronald J. Venadt, Fr Denis Sangma, Fr Thomas Kochupurackal, Fr Victor Ampanattuvilla, Fr Jose Kavalakadan, Fr Abraham Kanattu, Fr Sony Malipuram, Fr Vincent Xalxo, Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel, Fr Saju Kariyil and Fr Albinus Dhanwar.

In 2018, the School was upgraded into Higher Secondary. Over the years, new blocks were added to the school to house the increasing number of students who are enrolled. At present (December 2024), the Salesian community of Boko consists of Fr Chellanthara John (Rector and Parish Priest), Fr Kerobin Minj (Principal), Fr Raphael Cherukareth (Assistant Parish Priest), Fr Mathias Mrong Marak (Asst. Parish Priest).

In 2006, the parish was bifurcated and St Louis Parish, Chhaygaon was established. Again, in 2013, the parish was further bifurcated to establish St John Calabria Parish, Hahim. As per the statistics of 2019, the Catholics in the Parish number about 1850 living in 34 villages. The presence of various tribal groups in the area holds out more prospects for evangelization work.

The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) established the Vicuña Niketan Convent and the hostel for the girls in 1990. The sisters serve in the school and are active in various forms of Parish ministry like visiting families, evangelizing and catechizing. They also rendered much-needed medical care through the dispensary at the Parish. However, it was closed down in 2006 when the Government introduced free medical facilities in Boko.

A Bosco Barefoot College functions in Boko. It was established near the parish in 2003 in order to skill young people who drop out of their formal studies. Although Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati looks after the administration of the College, the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima manage its day-to-day affairs.

09. GUWAHATI – Azara (2002) C-2006

Patron: St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Don Bosco College of Engineering & Technology
Don Bosco University
Airport Road, Azara
Guwahati – 781017, Assam
Tel : (0361) 2139291 | 2139292: Office | 94355 45754: Office
Email : dbcet@dbuniversity (O) | contact@dbuniversity
Mother Teresa (MC) Convent, Lankeswar
Tel: (0361) 2132173

The beginnings of Don Bosco Community at Azara (Guwahati) evolved out of a long felt desire of the Province to begin a Higher Secondary School at Guwahati, to be later developed into a College. During the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Don Bosco School, Panbazar in 1998, this desire gained some urgency among the Salesians. It was supported wholeheartedly by the guardians of the students, even by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC).

The then Salesian Provincial of Guwahati Rev. Fr Dominic Jala granted permission to proceed with a project to start Higher Secondary School in Guwahati. Accordingly, the Salesians bought the present plot of land at Azara which was an abandoned soap factory belonging to M/s Globe India Ltd, Fancy Lane, Kolkata. The sale deed was signed by Fr Kuriala Chittattukalam in the presence of Fr Lukose Cheruvalel and Fr Santosh Minj on 7 June 1999. On 9 June 1999, Fr Kuriala Chittathukalam, Fr Lukose Cheruvalel, Fr George Plathottam and Fr Jose Kadaprayil took possession of the land.

On 15 November 2000, the foundation stone for Don Bosco Junior College at Azara was laid by Prof. HL Duorah, the then Vice Chancellor of Gauhati University and the foundation stone was blessed by Fr Philip Barjo, the then Salesian Provincial of Guwahati.

On 18 July 2001, Assam Higher Secondary Education Council granted permission to start Classes XI and XII (Commerce and Science) at Don Bosco Junior College. Accordingly, on 25 July 2001 with 66 students in Class XI, Don Bosco Junior College began its first day of classes with Fr Kuriala as its first Principal. On 24 July 2003, classes began for the first batch of Arts students.

The official inauguration of the Junior College was held on 1 August 2001 in the presence of Lt. Gen (Rtd) S.K. Sinha, the then Governor of Assam, Most Rev. Thomas Menamparampil, the then Archbishop of Guwahati, Rev. Fr Philip Barjo, the then Salesian Provincial of Guwahati, and a galaxy of Salesians, religious men and women and civil dignitaries. Fr Biju Michael Pulianmackal was appointed the Vice Principal of Don Bosco Junior College on 25 February 2002. Fr Kuriala and Fr Biju Michael moved in to Azara and formed the first Salesian community. However, on 12 July 2003, Fr Biju Michael left for Rome for his further studies.

On 5 April 2002, the Don Bosco Society Azara was registered at Shillong with the Registrar of Societies with the following founding members: Fr Philip Barjo, Fr Kuriala Chittathukalam, Fr Biju Michael Pulianmackal, Prof. Dilip Kumar Barua, Mr Ganesh Das, Fr Edmund Gomes and Fr Joseph Thelekkatt.

On 17 February 2004, Fr Joseph Puthenpurackal joined the College as Vice Principal for a short time as he left for Bishramganj, Tripura to become Parish Priest there on 2 June 2004. Fr Jose Kadaprayil had been teaching Commerce as visiting faculty right from its inception. He would occasionally look after the College, whenever Fr Kuriala had to be out of station.

On 1 May 2006, Fr Stephen Mavely joined the community at Azara with the express mission of upgrading the Junior College into a full-fledged college. He took charge on 15 May as Principal from Fr Kuriala Chittathukalam. On 27 May 2006, Fr Joby Manjakkattil joined the Salesian Community of Azara to be the Vice Principal-cum-Warden. Fr Kuriala left for Delhi on 21 June 2005 to take up his new assignment as Secretary for Education & Culture, CBCI.

On 14 July 2006, the Rector Major and his Council formally approved the opening of Don Bosco College at Azara in place of the existing Don Bosco Junior College and canonically erected Don Bosco College, Azara, as a regular house under the patronage of St John Bosco. Fr Stephen Mavely was appointed as its first Rector. When Assam Don Bosco University was established in 2008, Fr Stephen Mavely was appointed its first Vice Chancellor.

On 27 May 2007, Fr Joby was transferred to Don Bosco Sunnyside, Shillong and Rev. Fr George Chittappannatt joined the Azara community on 5 June 2007 as Liturgical Animator and Warden in the hostel as well as to help in the purchase of more land.

The first venture of Assam Don Bosco University was the establishment of Don Bosco College of Engineering and Technology as its first Constituent Centre which later was rechristened as the School of Technology of the University. Almost certain that the process of establishment of the University would take its time, the Province took the bold step of applying to the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for starting engineering courses at Azara, under the Assam Don Bosco University.

On 30 June 2008, the University received the final ‘Letter of Approval’ from the AICTE (Letter No. 06/02/ASSAM/ENGG2008/01 dated 30 June 2008), and the inauguration of Don Bosco College of Engineering and Technology was held on 11 August 2008 with a full complement of 240 students in four streams of engineering.

As of now, the School of Technology is having the following Courses of Study: B Tech and M Tech (Computer Science and Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering), BCA, MCA, BCom, MCom, and BBA with over 1500 students on campus. The Campus boasts of over 4,00,000 square feet of built-up area between the main building of the School of Technology, three hostels and 24 staff quarters (12 Bachelors quarters and 12 Family Quarters).

On 29 March 2008, Fr Joseph Nellanatt joined the University as the Pro Vice Chancellor of the University. Dr Basil Koikara was appointed the Registrar of the University on 25 September 2008, and he served in this capacity till 31 October 2017.

Br Benjamin Kathar joined the community as Warden on 18 June 2010 and served in this capacity till November 2011. On 1 June 2011, Fr Cyriac Vettickathadam joined as the Controller of Examinations and was transferred on 3 November 2013 to start a new College at Bongaigaon.

On 21 August 2011, Fr Joseph Anikuzhikkattil joined the Azara Community as its Rector. Apart from being the Rector of the Community, he was also appointed to be the Director of DBU Global. He was transferred in July 2012 to take up an assignment at Rome. Br Joby Mani joined the community as a hostel warden on16 July 2012. He was transferred to the community of Baithalangso as Vice Principal on 4 February 2014.

On 27 January 2013, Fr Francis Fernandez joined the Azara Community to be the Campus Minister. Later, in 2014, he was appointed as the Controller of Examinations. He was transferred on 16 July 2019 to be the Assistant Director of Don Bosco Socio- Technical Institute, Tezpur.

Fr Paul Cheruthottupuram from the Salesian Province of Kolkata, joined the community 16 July 2013 and served as the Head of the Department of the newly introduced Department of Mass Communication until he left for Salesian College, Sonada in June 2016. On 16 January 2014, Fr Abhilash Vadakkekara joined as the Warden of Hostels in Azara. He was transferred to Tura on 2 April 2017.

On 22 March 2014, Fr Xavier Mattam from Dimapur Province joined the Community to work as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and as Director of DBU Global and also to help in the Hostel as an Assistant Warden. Fr Jose Pelliserry from the Salesian Province of Kolkata, joined the community on 10 Feb 2016, at the Azara Campus to help with the constructions, and on 1 August 2016 became the Superintendent of Hostels in Tapesia Campus. He is serving in this capacity till date.

The University Community at Azara was divided into two presences on 30 June 2016, namely, the Tapesia Campus Community with Fr Stephen Mavely (Rector) together with Fr Francis Fernandez (Controller of Examinations), Fr Jose Pellissery (Superintendent of Hostels) and the student Fathers and Brothers; and, the Azara Campus Community with Fr Joseph Nellanatt (Vice Rector), Fr Abhilash Vadakkekara (Warden) and Fr Xavier Mattam. This arrangement was discontinued in December 2016 with the canonical establishment of Don Bosco University, Tapesia community with Fr Stephen Mavely as the Rector. Simultaneously, Fr Joseph Nellanatt was appointed the Rector of the Assam Don Bosco University Community at Azara.

All matters associated with the administration, finances and personnel of the University in both the campuses would be under the care of the Vice Chancellor. Responsibility for the religious observance at the Azara Campus would be under the Rector of the Azara Campus Community. Fr Stephen Mavely continues as the Rector (Tapesia Campus) and Vice Chancellor and Fr Joseph Nellanatt serves as the Rector (Azara Campus) and Pro Vice Chancellor.

On 16 December 2016, Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel joined the Community at Azara Campus to be the Spiritual Guide and Confessor and serves in this capacity till date. On 15 October 2017, Fr Biju Michael Pulianmackal joined the Azara Community as the Vice Rector of the community and as the Registrar of the University. Fr Joseph Thelekkatt also worked in the Azara Community as Campus Minister for a brief period.

On 31 March 2017, Br Paul Makri joined as the Warden of Hostels in Azara and was transferred in August 2019 to the community at Maligaon to pursue studies in Social Work at TISS, Guwahati. His responsibility was briefly handled by Rev. Fr Thomas Lakra till the appointment of Fr Vinod Lugun as the regular Warden in late August 2019. At present the Azara community consists of Fr Joy Kachappilly (Rector), Fr Joseph Nellanatt (Pro-Vice Chancellor), Fr. Antnony Dhason (Warden & Administrator) and Fr Thomas Lakra (Campus Minister).

10. GUWAHATI – Bosco Reach Out (2003) C-2003

Patron: St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities: Social Development, Skill Training, Vocational Training

Bosco Reach Out
B. K. Kakati Road,
Bholanath Mandir Bye Lane
Ulubari-781 007, Guwahati, Assam
URL: Website: |Email:
Email : |

Bosco Reach Out (BRO) came into existence in 1983 with the motto ‘ever better; ever higher’. It had its humble beginnings at Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong. The organization was the result of an initiative taken by three young Salesians, who completed MSW, namely, George Palamattam, Bimal Lakra and Mathew Thypodoth, while doing their theology at Sacred Heart College. After their ordination, the office moved to Provincial House, Guwahati in 1987. Fr George Palamattam, founder-director continued to give guidance to the organization. In 1988, it was shifted to Don Bosco Technical School, Maligaon. In 1990, for some time, the office functioned from Ulubari and then, once again, returned to Provincial House, Guwahati. Finally, in 2003, a permanent administrative block was constructed in Ulubari, Guwahati.

It is the social development wing of the Salesian Province of Guwahati. The organization has gone through several distinct phases in its journey. In Phase I (1983-94), BRO served as a charity agent, conducting animation programmes, helping income generation activities, doing flood relief operations, food subsidy programmes, vocational skills training, etc. In Phase II (1995-98), BRO embarked upon participatory project approach to development. It aimed at making people partners and not mere recipients of charity; hence focused on setting up Self Help Groups (SHGs), imparting skills training, micro financing for self-sustenance, etc. In Phase III (1999- 2005), focus was on holistic and long-term approach to development. As a result of serious evaluation made in January 2000, BRO chalked out its goal anew: integral human development, especially of the marginalized. The core priorities include micro credit, sustainable livelihood through agriculture and livestock, micro enterprise and skills training, support to cluster-level federations and village governance institutions and capacity-building of other non-governmental organizations. BRO resolved to venture into peace-building, inter-ethnic harmony, advocacy, health and sanitation improvement, attention towards children in difficult circumstances, etc.

In order to facilitate the smooth running of the organization, different desks were set up both in Assam and Meghalaya. Women’s Desk, Legal Forum Desk, HIV Desk, Skip Desk(Skills for Progress), etc., were put in place. In Shillong, a permanent office was set up in the premises of Don Bosco Technical School, Laitumkhrah. To help poor youth who find it difficult to avail themselves of the benefits of education, the organization with the help of Fratelli Dimenticati, Italy, introduced sponsorship schemes. The induction of Rural Resource and Training Centre (RRTC), Umran was another landmark step. To make known the different activities of BRO among the public, a quarterly magazine, Focus, was initiated. During this phase, it started a number of projects with Cordaid, from the Netherlands. Fr Davis Aricatt, through multiple innovative and relevant initiatives, gave a new direction to the organization.

Phase IV growth of BRO extended to a six-year period beginning from 2006. During this phase, it has moved from a need-based and mutual help (self-help) approach to a rights-based approach in development. BRO decided to strive to improve its advocacy role by seeking to influence major policy decisions on behalf of its target communities. In this phase, a number of new policies were introduced with regard to gender, human rights, right to information, etc. BRO began to work in close collaboration with PAJHRA (Promotion and Advancement of Justice, Harmony and Rights of Adivasis) and I-CARD Jorhat for the Mishing tribe of Assam.

BRO has been supporting technical and vocational education of marginalized youths through Don Bosco Technical School (Shillong), Don Bosco Technical School (Maligaon), Bosco Tech (Silchar), Don Bosco Centre (Bishramganj), Bosco Pnar (Jowai) and Don Bosco Vocational Training Centre (Mendal). The Family Counselling Centre at Shillong, supported through the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, has been operating since 1985. The 24×7 emergency outreach services for children in distress, called Childline, functions under Bosco Reach Out in Shillong. BRO implemented the International Fund for Agricultural Development with the aim of developing and upgrading the knowledge and skill base of the indigenous people in the hill districts of North Cachar Hills and Karbi Anglong of Assam and West Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. Brisoh project, supported by NABARD and the Government of Meghalaya, was implemented in 20 villages of Marmain region of Ri-Bhoi district of Meghalaya. Thesere Apaibiri (orchard development) project, supported by NABARD, Regional Office, Guwahati, is being implemented in twenty villages of Chingthong Block, Karbi Anglong, Assam. In collaboration with Manos Unidas, Spain, BRO has set up an Agricultural Training Centre at Joropara, Mendal, in order to improve the socio-economic status of rural farmers.

Integrated support to the victims of substance abuse and HIV/AIDS in Assam and Mizoram is another project that BRO has been implementing in collaboration with Ferrando Integrated Women Development Centre, Durtlang, Mizoram. With a view to improving the overall health status of the rural poor, especially women and children, BRO has initiated number of community health projects like the ones at Doomni, Kumarikatta, Tangla and Gojapara regions of Assam. In collaboration with Cordaid, BRO implemented a six-month preparatory phase project on Disaster Risk Reduction from July to December 2007. On 7 November 2009, Rev. Fr Pascual Chavez, Rector Major of the Salesians, blessed and inaugurated Rilang Shelter Home for children at Nongthymmai (Shillong) under the patronage of BRO.

With the division of the Province in 2012, RRTC, Umran and Rilang Shelter Home at Nongthymmai, Shillong became part of the newly created province of Shillong. Since then, Jorapara, near Mendal has become the main agricultural training centre of BRO in order to train people in agricultural practices that are affordable to them. It also helped in the setting up of Centres at Bongaigon and Tezpur. The visionary leadership of Directors and the Staff made Bosco Reach Out grow into the reality that is today, nationally and internationally recognized NGO with credibility as its trade mark. It owes much to the past Directors, Fr George Palamattam, Fr Paul Kuttala, Fr Davis Aricatt, Fr Johnson Parackal and Fr Thomas Kunnappillil. Other confreres who shared the vision of BRO in various capacities are Fr Cyril Tirkey, Fr Raphael Cherukareth, Br Joby Mani, Fr Sebastian Ishorary, Fr Joy Kachappilly, Fr Joseph Teron, Fr Thadeus Kujur, Fr. Damian Basumatary and Br Michael Kindo.

In 2009, Fr Anthonimuthu Jayaprakash joined Bosco Reach Out and in 2018 took over as its Executive Director. Br Michael Kindo helps him as Associate Director. Although Fr Raphael Cherukareth joined BRO in June 2019, he was asked to help in Boko as Assistant Parish Priest till January 2020. Assisted by over 300 committed staff, Bosco Reach Out inspires, intervenes and assists thousands of people to claim their rightful human dignity in the society. At present, the Salesian community consists of Fr Sebastian Ishorary (Rector & Director) and Fr. Ignatius Gari (Vice Rector and Deputy Director).

11. GUWAHATI – Don Bosco Institute (2004) C-2005

Patron: St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities:Youth Ministry, Educational Activities, Hostels, Training of Youth Leaders, Skill Training
Don Bosco Institute
Joypur, Kharghuli, P B: 263
Guwahati – 781 004, Assam
Email :
Tel: (0361) 2608454 / 55 : Office | 2514522 : Dir | 2631668: Residence
Holy Cross Convent | Tel: (0361) 2515567

Don Bosco Institute (DBI), an epicentre for integrated youth care, educational leadership, management training, socio-cultural development and research, was inaugurated by Dr Manmohan Singh, the then Prime Minister of India, on 22 November 2004. The Institute was formally dedicated to the youth of north-east India by Rev. Fr Pascual Chavez, the then Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco on 28 February 2005 in the presence of Shri Tarun Gogoi, the then Chief Minister of Assam and other dignitaries. Fr Chavez placed his mark of appreciation when he said: “I congratulate the Province of Guwahati for setting up this Institute. It is the realization of a beautiful dream and it has a bright future. The goals are a nice definition of the Salesian Education: ‘Building dreams, shaping lives and influencing society.

The visit of Shri Rahul Gandhi, MP and the then General Secretary of the Congress Party to DBI on 18 July 2009 was a rare privilege as well as a unique and significant event. He summed up his impressions of the visit while addressing the youth “You are second to none, not only as an institution, but more importantly as students you are as capable as anybody else in the country.”

Fr Thomas Vattathara, Founder-Director of DBI, together with all the collaborators need to be congratulated for this great initiative, particularly for the youth of north-east. When Fr Thomas was appointed provincial of the Province, Fr Johnson Parackal took over the reins of the Institute. When his six-year term was completed, Fr John Parankimalil (PD) was appointed the Executive Director of the Institute.

Don Bosco Institute of Management (DBIM) at DBI was formally inaugurated by Mr Prodyut Bordoloi, the then Minister for Power & Commerce, on 27 August 2009. DBIM is a constituent of Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU) which offers regular MBA programme. Presently, the Director of DBI is also the Director of DBIM.

DBI offers a variety of courses and programmes – IT related and job-oriented, vocational and professional courses – CCA, DCA, TALLY, DTP, CCNA, Web Designing, Hardware and Networking; MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate); Aviation (Air Hostess, Ground Staff); Hospitality (Front Office Management, Food and Beverage, Housekeeping); Beautician and Spa Therapist; RACW (Refrigerator, AC, Washing Machine); Spoken English or English Fluency Course; CCPT(Certificate Course for Primary Teachers). At the educational front the focus is to empower teachers and school administrators for school improvements through in-service training and National/International Conferences. Youth-Care programmes include youth empowerment packages on personality development, communication skills, career guidance and employment development skills to suit the needs of various target groups-rural/urban, school/college, and literate/semi – literate youth of the region.

DBI believes in the power of synergy and has entered into networking and collaboration with NGOs and Government agencies for greater effectiveness and better impact of its services. In the past, DBI collaborated with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai for training social service minded youth of the region and with the Government of Assam in the National Rural Health Mission as the designated State Asha Resource Centre, responsible for the training of 30,000 Asha health workers in the different districts of Assam. Peace initiatives and Advocacy programmes are another set of prime concern of DBI.

DBI also collaborated with various agencies and Government departments for imparting vocational skills and training youth for employment. Prominent among them were: Employment Generation Mission (EGM) in collaboration with the Govt. of Assam in the year 2013. DBI trained over 6834 youth in trades Beauty & Spa, Food & Beverage Service and Housekeeping, Industrial Sewing Machine Operator, Motor mechanic, Sales & Marketing, Service Engineering, Welding & Fabrication and Bedside Assistant.

Under the aegis of North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) during the period 2014-2019, the Institute has imparted skill development training to the 1240 youth of north-eastern region in different market driven trades to ensure their sustainable livelihood and all-round development. Under this programme, DBI offered skills training to the youth of Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura and Sikkim in trades like Aviation, Hospitality Management, Beauty & SPA, Service Engineering, Motor Mechanics, etc. Further, in collaboration with NERLP, DBI offered Lady Health Workers Training Programme. It aims at training rural women in basic health services with an objective to give first aid services in the interior villages. In collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Flood and River Erosion Management Agency, Government of Assam, DBI initiated skills training programme in 12 selected villages in Dibrugarh district of Assam and placed 471 youth to ensure their sustainable livelihood.

Assam Gas Company Limited (AGCL), Duliajan has been collaborating with Don Bosco Institute since 15 November 2016 under its CSR initiative PRATYASHA for Skill Development Training and Placement of Youth in the 6 districts of Upper Assam, namely, Golaghat, Jorhat, Sivasagar, Charaideo, Dibrugarh and Tinsukia in different market driven trades like Hospitality (F&B), Hospitality (HK), Sales &Marketing, Welding, Aviation, AC & Refrigeration, Motor Mechanic, Beauty & Spa &Tailoring to 638 youth.

In tune with GOI Skill India Mission, the Assam Skill Development Mission (ASDM), Assam partnered with DBI in Feb 2018 for Skill Development Training and Placement of Youth in trades like Hospitality (F&B and HK), AC & Refrigeration, Beauty & Spa & Tailoring to 160 youth. The partnership is still continuing in the form of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) project for training of 630 youth till September 2020.

Through State Institute of Rural Development, Meghalaya for Skill Development Training and Placement, DBI is implementing the DDU-GKY project for 550 youth of Meghalaya in trades like hospitality, food and beverages. The project is being implemented in Mendal, Meghalaya and the partnership will continue till February 2021.

In order to reach out to rural poor young people of north-east India, DBI opened the Bosco Barefoot College (BBC) at Boko. As a college with a difference, it was conceived in order to target the rural youth who are school dropouts or semi-literates. It is a new strategy initiated on 15 January 1999 as the fruit of long years of experience in working with rural youth. It equips the unemployed, the marginalized and the young at risk of the region with knowledge, skills and right attitudes. From November 2004 to May 2006, Fr Raphael Cherukareth served BBC as resident instructor giving training in various skills to the young people. Till date it has trained more than 3000 youth in varied skills.

DBI has established a number of Vocational Training cum Production Centres in Assam. The abject poverty and the recurring incidents of ethnic violence have made the lives of people living in certain areas of Lower Assam miserable. To give employment to young people of these areas, Vocational Centres were opened at Amguri, Gossaigaon, Bhooteachang and Barpeta Road. The vocational education that is imparted addresses all the education objectives of imparting knowledge, teaching skills and promoting values. Young people are trained in different skills, namely, tailoring, weaving, carpentry, tile making, welding, electrician, motor mechanic and driving. With the mushrooming of vocational centres duly supported by different Government agencies, today, it has become a challenge to run some of these centres with the existing courses and fees. Some of the centres will have to be closed down or re-invented with relevant courses to make them self-sustainable and productive.

Under the aegis of UNICEF, Assam, a State level network for faith leaders on WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) was launched at Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati on 18 December 2017. Its objective was to create a vibrant platform for giving orientation and creating awareness among the faith-based leaders with a view to take the initiatives to all people for a cleaner Assam. Over 200 Faith leaders belonging to various religious sects participated in this training.

Children at Risk Education (CARE) was a unique intervention started by DBI to provide educational support to the rural poor and underprivileged children particularly of the Santal Community who were affected by ethnic violence that occurred in 1996 in the western Assam districts of Kokrajhar, Bongaigaon and Chirang. While several centres still function under thatched roofs, seven schools are being built up (one High School, two middleSchools and four Primary Schools) with the help of German Doctors Association to provide better facilities for the children. In December 2009, the newly built schools at Amguri, Paharpur, Gaurinagar and Joypur were inaugurated. As per 2019 count, CARE took care of 5057 children with the help of 52 tuition centres and 73 teachers. With effect from April 2020, the CARE Schools were handed over to the Province and they will be looked after through Bosco Reach Out. Today DBI is running a full-fledged Don Bosco School at Bhooteachang for the poor children from the tea gardens. The school is looked after by the Society of Sisters of St Ann, Luzern.

DBI, in collaboration with the Education Departments of Governments of Assam and Meghalaya, has trained the teachers and principals on school management and leadership. The programme which started in May 2012 and ended in September 2013 has qualified a total 6030 teachers and principals both from Assam (4569) and Meghalaya (1461).

DBI partnered with Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) in 2019 to train 220 youth from different States of India in Soft Skills and Personality Development Programme. In 2019, the National Service Scheme (NSS) partnered with DBI in training over 200 NSS Volunteers in Capacity Building and Cultural Exchange workshop cum Training. In March 2020, DBI conducted a 7-day National Tribal Youth Exchange Meet for 550 NSS volunteers from all over India.

Besides promoting the intellectual, social and economic growth of young people, DBI is also engaged in awakening their spiritual sensibilities. The daily, weekly and monthly prayer moments and other animation programmes keep young people value-oriented. DBI has become a beacon of hope and transformation for the addicted, the depressed and the lost cases. They have found themselves by discovering their talents, meaning and purpose after coming to DBI. The yearly programmes like Youth Pasch, Faith Build, etc., help young people to deepen their Christian Faith.

At present, the Salesians in DBI consists of Fr Cletus Pattamkulam (Rector & Director),  Fr John Rabha (Vice Rector & Administrator), Fr. Kuriala Chittattukalam (Conf.), Fr. Joseph Thelekkatt (Inc. Navaprerona). Other members of the team include Sr Philo Kula FMA and Sr Veronica Rang Dila FMA and a host of animators, instructors and support staff. The perpetually professed confreres who worked at the Institute in the past include Fr Thomas Vattathara, Fr Biju Michael Pulianmackal, Fr Paul Olphindro, Fr Francis Hembrom, Fr Francis Fernandez, Fr Vijumon Choorackal, Fr Abhilash Vadakkekara, Fr Johnson Parackal, Fr Cletus Sebastian Pattamkulam,  Fr Paul Rabha, Fr Bivan Rodrigues Mukhim, Fr Joseph Thelekkatt, Fr Ignatius Gari, Fr Paulus Guria and Br Vernon Martin  Fernandez.

The Sisters who rendered their services to the Institute include Sr Elizabeth George FMA, Sr Annie Lolia FMA, Sr Sania Rose FMA, Sr Molly Kaniampadikal FMA, Sr Tessy Davis FMA, Sr Anna Molly FMA, Sr Ruth Rokolebino Rino FMA, Sr Flora Fuleswari Kujur FMA, Sr Angela Basumatary SCC, Sr Teresa SCC, Sr Sheela Rani SCC, Sr Alphonsa SCC and Sr Karen Noronha CCV.

Fr Cletus Sebastian    Fr John Rabha                                                   Fr Kuriala         Fr Joseph Thelekkatt

     (Rt.&Dir.)                      (VR& Ass. Dir.)                                            (Consultant)             (Inc. Navaprerona)

12. GUWAHATI – SNEHALAYA (2004) C-2006

Patron: St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities:Youth Ministry, Rehabilitation of Young at risk
Dhirenpara, Guwahati – 781025, Assam

Snehalaya Centre for Child Rights
K.B. Road, Paltanbazar
Guwahati – 781008, Assam
Tel : (0361) 2738064

Snehalaya (House of Love) is a social service programme for the care, protection and ultimate social re- integration of children in distress. The programme was officially launched on 16 August 2000. On that day Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati blessed the plot of land acquired for Snehalaya at Dhirenpara (Guwahati).

Fr Lukose Cheruvalel had cherished for years the dream of launching a programme in the city of Guwahati for the children in distress. He had discussed the matter with St Teresa of Kolkata at her visit to Guwahati and with Salesian authorities of Guwahati Province. The opportune time came only in June 2000 when he was released from the service of Secretary to Archbishop Thomas.

Snehalaya became functional on 1 January 2001.The little hut (Pinardi Shed) at Dhirenpara was blessed by Rev. Fr Philip Barjo, the then Provincial of Guwahati. Next day, a group of 8 children picked up from Guwahati Railway Station by the Missionaries of Charity were brought to Snehalaya. Ms Baby Rabha from Kulsi joined as a resident primary teacher and care-giver. Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel (PJ), known for his generosity, gentle ways and love for the poor, soon joined Snehalaya. Within few weeks, there were twenty or more children staying in a small room.

In February 2001, a shed with tin roof and bamboo-mat walls was added to begin a literacy centre for the poor children of the area. Mrs Rita Sharma and Mrs Chowdhury from neighbourhood were the teachers along with Ms Baby Rabha. Over 80 out-of-school children started coming for classes. Ms Nomita Das joined the staff later. Later on it became the Jyoti Kendra under the Sarva Siksha Abhijhan. A year later Fr Thomas Punnolikunnel was transferred and Fr Dominic Perunneparampil joined Snehalaya. In the beginning of 2003, Fr Thadeus Kujur came to Snehalaya, replacing Fr Dominic. From February 2009, Fr Lukas Marak, soon after his priestly ordination, joined in the noble mission. Other confreres who have worked in Snehalaya are Fr Francis Cheeramben, Fr Augustine Edasserithottathil, Fr Jeremias Tirkey, Fr Thadeus Kujur, Fr Joseph Thelekkatt and Fr John Thomas Koitharaputhenpura.

At present, the following confreres are working in the centre: Thomas Anikuzhikattil (Rector and Director), Fr. Prasad Kalaparthy (Administrator), Fr Martin R. Marak (Vice Rector & Assistant Director) Fr Sebastian Kunnathukuzhy and Richardson Sten.

Over the years, Snehalaya has grown. The five Snehalaya Homes located strategically in Guwahati at Panbazar, Dhirenpara, Betkuchi, Beltola and Noonmati, form a “garland of love” around the city for any child in distress. A total of 200 children in these homes are looked after by a team of nearly 50 staff members. Besides providing for basic needs like food, shelter, clothes, medical care, the children are given education, counselling, and opportunities for developing their talents. The older children are introduced to vocational training and to the world of work.

Reuniting children with their families is a priority for Snehalaya. Over the past 8 years, nearly 200 children have been, thus, reunited. Some of these were lost children, others were run-away children. Snehalaya has non- residential programmes as well. These include primary education centres, day-care, children’s Assistance Booth at the Railway Station, advocacy programmes for child rights, etc.

The need for a secure Shelter for destitute girls from the streets and the railway station was soon felt. Auxilium Snehalaya for girls was inaugurated on 31 January 2003. Sr Clara Pampadiyil FMA was in-charge of this home at the beginning. Sr Alma FMA joined her later.

In 2009, Sr Roseline began to share responsibility with Sr Alma for running this home. From June 2009, a literacy centre called Deepjyoti was attached to this centre. Jyoti Snehalaya, a second home for girl children, managed by MSMHC sisters, was inaugurated at Beltola on 3 April 2004. Sr Clarina and Sr Valsa have played important roles in the lives of the children there. Miss Vineeta and Miss Pinki are resident staff members for several years. Dr P.K. Dutta of Rehabari donated a Mini Computer Centre and Library at Jyoti Snehalaya.

Ila Snehalaya, located at Betkuchi, was donated to Snehalaya by Ms Rita Devi of Ila Trust in November 2004. It was a hospice for destitute adults and a Community Care Centre for people living with HIV/AIDS and related diseases. To bring it in line with the services of Snehalaya for children, it is gradually being made into a centre for disabled destitute children. This Centre is managed by the Fatima Sisters under the leadership of Sr Ines. Earlier Sr Monica was in-charge. Sr Annie, a trained nurse joined here. Several other Fatima Sisters have rendered dedicated service at the Centre.

Children’s Assistance Booth on Platform Number 1 of Guwahati Railway Station, with due permission from the Railway Authorities, was inaugurated on 20 April 2005. This has become a very useful service for the protection of children in extremely difficult circumstance. So far over 200 children have been helped through the booth.

At the invitation of UNICEF and the social Welfare Department, Government of Assam, Snehalaya took up Psycho-Social Support Project to provide psycho-social support to the children in the Observation Homes at Jorhat (for boys) and Nagaon (for girls) and in the Children’s Home at Nagaon (for girls) in June 2007.

Okonir Snehaloy – Day Care Centre at Chandmari for little children was inaugurated on 24 June 2007 by Mrs Renuka Devi Borkotoki, the Chairperson of the Child Welfare Committee of Kamrup District. Destitute single parents can leave their children for care at this centre while they go for work. There are 20 children benefiting from this service. The Disciples of Don Bosco (a secular Institute) in the Salesian Family take care of this centre called Okonir Snehaloy (The Snehalaya of little children).

Advocacy for Child Rights is another initiative of Snehalaya. An All Assam Consultation on Child rights was held on 12-13 December 2008 at Guwahati with the support of UNICEF. Another advocacy effort, a workshop was organized on the subject Is Guwahati Child- Friendly? On 28 February 2009 at Guwahati Press Club. In an effort to contribute towards the enhancement of the Juvenile Justice scenario in Assam, Snehalaya is conducting a study on Juvenile Offences in Kamrup District with the cooperation of the Juvenile Justice Board of Kamrup.

The completion of the city office, permanent Shelter Home, Child Rights Resource Centre and Senior Boys Hostel, all in one building at Paltan Bazar, Guwahati, have given a major fillip to the entire mission.

Snehalaya is growing quantitatively and qualitatively to meet the challenges of marginalization of a section of children and youth. The Salesian Congregation showed its appreciation for the Snehalaya programme and its commitment to continue this programme by establishing it canonically in the year 2006. Snehalaya strives to create a rights-based and child-friendly society.


Patron: St. John Bosco | Guwahati Archdiocese
Activities:Youth Ministry, Rehabilitation of Young at risk
Dhirenpara, Guwahati – 781025, Assam

Snehalaya Centre for Child Rights
K.B. Road, Paltanbazar
Guwahati – 781008, Assam
Tel : (0361) 2738064

After over a century of quality service at the college and school levels, the Salesians of the Province of Guwahati, with the support of all the Provinces of India, decided to enter into the field of higher education in an emphatic manner by setting up Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU) at Guwahati – the first such project of the Salesians of Don Bosco in India. After much study and planning at various levels, Fr Stephen Mavely was asked to lead the effort and Fr Biju Michael Pulianmackal was tasked to formulate the Concept Paper. All initial work was done from Don Bosco Junior College, Azara which was started in 2002 under the leadership of Fr Kuriala Chittattukalam. The formal application to initiate the project was sent to the General Council, Rome, on 3 December 2006; the approval was obtained on 10 January 2007. Fr Stephen Mavely and a team of Salesians and lay collaborators pursued the project with scientific precision and undaunted commitment.

Upon receiving the permission from the Rector Major of the Salesian Society, a formal application by Don Bosco Society to the Government of Assam to establish the first State University in the private sector in Assam was submitted on 8 November 2007. It was accompanied by a Detailed Project Report (DPR) prepared in consultation with M/S Kalinga Software Pvt Ltd (Orissa). After the examination by an Expert Committee, the Government, on 29 March 2008, issued the Letter of Intent (LOI) to the Salesians of Don Bosco to establish a State University in the private sector at Guwahati in Assam. Thus, 29 March 2008 remains as the Foundation Day of the University.

The Letter of Intent was followed by an Ordinance of the State Government on 3 December 2008 (The Assam Don Bosco University Ordinance, 2008, dated 3 December 2008), following which the University was formally inaugurated by Shri Tarun Gogoi, the then Chief Minister of Assam, on 6 December 2008. Eventually the Ordinance was replaced by an Act of the State legislature (The Assam Don Bosco University Act, 2009) on 9 January 2009, and published in the official gazette of Assam on 12 February 2009. This notification formally completed the process of the establishment of the University as a State University in the private sector. On 13 November 2009, the University Grants Commission (UGC), empowered the University to award degrees under Section 2(f) of the UGC Act 1956.

When Rev. Fr Pascual Chavez, the then Rector Major of Don Bosco Society, visited north-east India, the Foundation Stone of the University was blessed by him on 10 November 2009 at the Azara Campus. A Joint Committee of University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Distance Education Council of India (DEC) visited the University on 6 December 2010 to examine the preparedness of the University to offer Distance Education. The Committee, led by Prof Latha Pillai (Pro Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open University), recommended that the University be approved to offer study programmes in the distance mode – a recommendation that was approved by the DEC and the tripartite Committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC – authorizing the University to enter into this field and recognizing the courses of study offered in the distance mode. Accordingly, the University started its Distance Education with 78 students in 2010 and within a span of 6 years, the University now has over 5000 students from 113 countries under DBU-Global.

A UGC Inspection Team arrived at the University campus on 2 November 2011 to conduct the mandatory inspection on compliance requirements under the applicable UGC rules and regulations. The recommendations of this Committee were fully implemented by the University in a period of one year. The second visit of the UGC Inspection Team to verify the compliance took place on 29 October 2013 which certified that the University was in full compliance with all UGC norms and regulations.

Yet another UGC Expert Team visited the University on 1-2 September 2016 to examine the application of the University for recognition under Section 12B of the UGC Act, relating to the eligibility for getting grants of various types from Government departments. This inspection led to the University being included under Section 12(B) of the UGC Act in June 2017.

On 27 November 2014, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer Team made their first visit to the University which resulted in the accreditation of the University by NAAC, the highest accreditation council in India, with a score of B+.

The Province acquired 230 acres of land at Tapesia, on the outskirts of Guwahati City, to establish the permanent campus of the university. On 15 June 2012, a ground breaking and blessing ceremony of Tapesia Campus was held at Tapesia Gardens. It was jointly presided over by the then outgoing Provincial of Guwahati, Rev. Fr Joseph Almeida who had been a staunch supporter of the University right from the beginning and Rev. Fr Thomas Vattathara, the new Provincial of Guwahati. However, due to unforeseen reasons, the construction was delayed.

Construction works were finally initiated with the signing of the contract in November 2013. However, the actual constructions took off only in April 2014. The first cluster of buildings – Academic Block I, Men’s and Women’s Hostel, a Food Court, a Laundry, 30 Bachelor’s Quarters and 24 Family Quarters and Guest House cum Residence – were completed by July 2016.

The Salesians moved into Tapesia Gardens on 4 July 2016; the faculty occupied their residences a month later; and, the students came into the hostels on 16 August. The inauguration of the Academic Year took place on 18 August 2016. The Campus was formally dedicated to the people of north-east India and to the students from around the world by Rev. Fr Pascual Chavez, former Rector Major, on 23 October 2016. It marked the culmination of a long journey to find a permanent home for the University.

The University currently offers, on campus, 38 Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes of Study and 23 areas for Doctoral Programmes. It also offers 13 Programmes (Graduate and Postgraduate) in Distance Education Mode under Don Bosco University Centre for Open and Distance Education (DBU Global).

Since its inception, the University has celebrated eight Convocations – the first on 19 September2012 and the latest (the Eighth Convocation) on 7 September 2019. At Tapesia Campus, the University, till date, has built up 4 Academic Blocks, 7 Hostels, a variety of sports facilities (a Football ground, 2 Volleyball Courts, 12 Badminton Courts, etc.), 7 water reservoirs with one of the large lakes being planned for a Mini Hydel Project, 30 Bachelors Quarters, 24 Family Quarters, a University Service Centre and 2 Food Courts. As on December 2019, it has over 7,00,000 square feet of built-up area. Meticulous planning and attention to details has made the Campus eco-friendly. About 20,000 trees of various types (Coconut, Rubber, Cocoa, Cashew, Neem, Mahogany, Agar, a variety of fruit trees, etc.) are already planted intercropping with ginger and turmeric. The tea garden (called Tapesia Tea Garden), covering a planted area of 122 acres, is registered with the Tea Board of India (with Don Bosco Society Azara as its registered owner) and its operations have been outsourced to two different companies: to M/s Pekochai Pvt Ltd till 2018, and to M/s Bluplanet Organik Pvt Ltd since 2019.

Up to 2016, the University functioned from the Azara campus. However, on 30 June 2016, the Salesian community at Tapesia campus was formally constituted with Fr Stephen Mavely as its Rector. Others in the community included Fr Francis Fernandez (Controller of Examinations) and Fr Jose Pellissery (Superintendent of Hostels) and the student Fathers and Brothers.

The constituent Colleges of ADBU are Don Bosco College of Engineering and Technology, Azara, which was inaugurated on 11 August 2008, with four courses in engineering and Don Bosco Institute of Management (DBIM), which was formally inaugurated at DBI, Joypur on 27 August 2009. A number of collaborators, both religious and lay, have joined hands with the Salesians to ensure a robust growth for the University. At the time of conceptualizing the university, it was planned to develop it into a venture of the Church and the Salesians of Don Bosco with the active collaboration of 10 to 15 or more religious orders of men and women. This collaboration in various ways was envisaged to make it a meaningful undertaking of the Church in India as a whole. The religious Congregations are involved in areas such as: a) providing personnel for teaching in different departments, b) taking charge of one or more departments, c) running one or more hostels for men or women and, d) providing specialized services for the whole campus like campus ministry, counselling, spiritual direction, youth services, retreats, camping experiences, family counselling, guidance of research, mentoring of youngsters, etc., to mention a few.

Gratefully we put on record the services of the following Religious Personnel who served/serve the University in various capacities: Fr Jose Karipadam (Missionaries of St Francis De Sales): Fr Paul Pudussery (Holy Cross Fathers); Fr Robi Mundakal (Diocese of Palai); Sr Lisa Elavunkal, Sr Shiji James, Sr Mary Paul, Sr Agatha Marak, Sr Alphonsa Joseph, Sr Pasqualina Sumer, Sr Ancy John (Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians); Sr Celine D’Cunha (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians); Sr Shiny CT and Sr Daisy Vandana (Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate); Sr Vandana Thalikkaparambil, Sr Carmel Palakkattu, Sr Pushpam Kavettil, Sr Bosco Karumathy, Sr Remy Chakkalakal, Sr Tessy Varghese Kozhikkadan (Holy Cross Sisters of Menzingen); Sr Leoni Mani, Sr Regina Varghese (Ancillae Secular Institute); and, Sr Violet Noronha, Sr Priti Itur (Missionary Sisters of Ajmer).

A number of dedicated men and women keep the University ticking and have brought it to its present status. With a profound sense of gratitude for their contribution in a variety of fields like Academics, Administration, Finance, Distance Education, Governance, and, most notably for making Don Bosco University an enviable place to work and to grow, we mention their names. They include Dr Basil Koikara, Mr Vijaye Bawri, Prof. Ashoke Dutta, Prof. Prafulla Chandra Mahanta, Prof. Manoranjan Kalita, Dr Riju Sharma, Dr Monmoyuri Baruah, Prof. Shakuntala Laskar, Prof. JN Vishwakarma, Ms Juhi Baruah, Prof. Sunandan Baruah, Prof. Y Jayanta Singh, Mr Subimal Bhattacharjee, Mr Kashi Nath Hazarika, Mr Raunak Singh Ahluwalia, Dr T R Girija, Dr S Nissi Paul, Mr P Joseph, Ms Leena Nemade, Dr Prasanta Kumar Choudhury, Dr Hemen Bharali, Dr Jhimli Das, Dr Sabiha Alam Ahmed, Dr Pranab Das, Dr Bobby Sharma, Dr Lukose Jacob, Dr Bijumani Das, Prof. K C Kapoor, Mr Kaushik Bhuyan, Dr Samrat Dey, Dr Ashima Sona, Dr Lopamudra Homchoudhury, Dr Peter Paul Hauhnar, Mr James Famkima and Mr Benedict Islary.

The University also owes a debt of gratitude to a resilient team of persons who have ensured that that we have wonderful campuses that we can call our home. They are Advisors on Land Matters, Estate Managers, Architects, Contractors and Maintenance Management Personnel. Dr Dangshi Barman, Mr Utpal Gogoi, Mr Prosoon Banerjee, Mr Dipak Das, Mr Raymond Mayio, Mr Nakul Molsom, Mr Kanti Das, Ms Arunima  Rajbongshi, Mr Dominic Pendanam, Mr Mahindra Singh, Dr Vikramjit Kakati and Mr Wilson Mathew. The Salesians who work in the University are Fr Jose Palely (Vice Chancellor), Fr Zachary Varickasseril (VR and Registrar) Fr Stephen Mavely (Dir. Wellness Centre), Fr James Chacko (Dy. Registrar), Fr Narendra Lakra and Fr Romanus Barwa (Hostel Wardens). Besides them, a number of Clerics studying different programmes in the University.

The vision is clear, the goals are daunting, and the challenges are real! Assam Don Bosco University is all about serving young people for generations to come who will be the leaders and agents of change and transformation in India and the world today and tomorrow.

  Fr Stephen Mavely                                                Fr Jose Palely – IND      Fr NarendraLakra

  Dir. Wellness Centre                                               (Rector Chancellor)          ( Hostel Warden)