(ANS – Turin) – “Everything is clear?” repeats the Moderator, Fr. Alphonse Owoudou, from time to time to the Chapter members engaged in the work of the 29th General Chapter (GC29). The question, simple yet incisive, reflects the complexity and importance of the processes underway. The synodal working method adopted, which requires careful and shared reflection, aims to formulate clear proposals faithful to the prevailing thoughts of the participants. These guidelines will serve as the basis for the decisive deliberations that will shape the future of the Congregation.
Transparency has been identified as a key element of the decision-making process. Not just formal transparency, guaranteed by the collegial reading and approval of the minutes, but above all substantial transparency: the level of decisions being made is high, and every contribution must be carefully considered.
The most relevant aspects, which will impact the next six years, concern both the structure of the Congregation and the people who will have the task of realizing it with fidelity and dedication. For this reason, the importance of free, constructive, and open discussions was emphasized. Each Chapter member is called to actively participate, avoiding that important decisions are made based on ideas that may be fascinating but not sufficiently thought through.
The President, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, stressed the need to address each issue with calmness and precision: “The method and the time are ours!” This patient and methodical approach proved particularly necessary in addressing the third thematic nucleus of GC29, which concerns aligning Salesians worldwide with the challenges and opportunities of the present moment.
Friday, March 7, was marked by three important moments of assembly synthesis, during which the reports prepared by the six Commissions were presented and discussed. The goal was to share the guidelines that received the most consensus in the working groups, identifying precise formulations to be submitted to the plenary assembly.
The morning’s work focused on initial points, while the rest of the day was dedicated to “refining” the proposals. In the evening, the Chapter members were able to discuss five draft deliberations, which included topics of great relevance such as: the division of the Africa-Madagascar Region, in response to the need for better coordination and support; and the clarification of the tasks of the Regional Councillors, considering the expansion of responsibilities and the increasing dynamism of the Regions. These proposals represent the fruit of synodal and shared work, which takes into account global challenges and the specific needs of the various Salesian realities.
At the end of the day, the Chapter members experienced a moment of intense spirituality with the celebration of the Way of the Cross, animated by texts and images prepared by the East Asia-Oceania Region. This time of prayer and reflection provided an opportunity to renew the community spirit and entrust the Chapter’s work to the Lord so that it may be guided by His light.
The day of March 7 once again demonstrated the importance of synodal work that aims for clarity, participation, and transparency. Guided by a patient and shared method, the Chapter members are addressing the crucial issues that will determine the future of the Congregation. The journey of CG29 continues, with the awareness that every decision made today will help shape a Congregation even more faithful to Don Bosco’s charism and capable of responding to the needs of young people around the world.