Don Stefano Martoglio, the Vicar of the Rector Major, presented the report of the Rector Major on the state of the Salesian Congregation in the last five-year period at the GC29 on 25 February.
Don Stefano Martoglio, the Vicar of the Rector Major, presented the report of the Rector Major on the state of the Salesian Congregation in the last five-year period at the GC29 on 25 February. The report, given to the participants of GC 29, is based on the action programme of the Rector Major for the Salesian Congregation after GC28, expressed in 8 priority areas.
The report says that the social and ecclesial relevance of the Salesians of Don Bosco depends on their prophetic capacity manifested through their charismatic identity and apostolic passion. While acknowledging the great energy and enthusiasm among the Salesians despite the many challenges they face in various situations, the report invites them to remain focused on their Salesian identity while avoiding spiritual superficiality and charismatic genericism.
Endorsing the above point, Father Ashley Miranda from Mumbai Province said: “Our Salesian spirit, which is characterized by a deep personal relationship with the Lord and a lively appreciation for the preventive system of Don Bosco, is a great treasure. In our zeal to achieve much, if we forget the Lord or become indifferent to Don Bosco and his spirit, we will lose what is most precious to us.” He further added, “We Salesians must be prophets of communion. We must be true brothers to each other; love, support, and encourage each other so that all of us can become true witnesses to the young of God’s love.”
The report also endorses the radical, preferential, personal, and institutional option on the part of every Salesian for the poorest, most abandoned, and defenseless young people across the globe. Don Angel Fernandez Artime claims that “our congregation has not forgotten Don Bosco’s love for the least.” Reinforcing this commitment, he stated in his report: “In these last ten years, we have not taken a single decision within the General Council regarding our presence in which our priority towards the poorest has not been taken into account.”
The report of the Rector Major acknowledges the work carried out by various networks to address the needs of marginalized and distressed youth. The “Young at Risk” programs and initiatives across India are mentioned in the report, alongside other similar works in Italy, Spain, Brazil, and Africa. The report expressed appreciation for the work carried out by Salesians and the lay collaborators to address human rights, migration, child labour, child protection, development, etc.
The call to work for the poorest concludes with encouragement for every Salesian: “Our hearts should be madly in love with the poorest, as was Don Bosco’s… We cannot lose the poorest, nor forget them or neglect them. We were born for them. The young people, particularly the poorest, are our holy place of encounter.”