Br. Jean Paul Muller, Economer General, presented the Congregation's economic status, highlighting the progress made and the challenges ahead.
Br. Jean Paul Muller, Economer General, presented the Congregation’s economic status, highlighting the progress made and the challenges ahead. His presentation emphasized the importance of sustainable and responsible management of the Congregation’s resources, promoting an increasingly effective Salesian mission.
On the second day of presentations of the reports, the General Councillors of Interamerica, Central and Northern Europe, and the Mediterranean regions presented their reports of the regions at the 29th General Chapter (GC29).
The Director of the Central Salesian Archive, Br. Marco Bay presented the Congregation’s statistical data from 2020 to 2025, offering a detailed analysis of trends and developments over the past five years. This presentation provided a complete overview of the Congregation’s global state, highlighting strengths and areas requiring greater attention.
The Rector Major’s report reviewed the five years since GC28, offering a chronicle of events and a profound spiritual reflection filled with messages inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Rector Major’s Report to GC29, read and presented by the Vicar, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, on behalf of Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, emphasized the importance of formation, saying, “Formation must be in mission, as Pope Francis has indicated to us.” He recommended that the Ratio Studiorum, developed by the Formation Sector, be revised in light of this GC29 and delivered to the new Rector Major and General Council for final approval.
Through the report, the Rector Major shared his dream for the Salesian Congregation: “I dream that we will continue to be creative in listening to the Spirit of God, who will lead us to new models of presence and expressions of the Salesian charism.” He entrusted this vision to Mary Help of Christians, reminding the Chapter members: “She continues to do everything in the family of Don Bosco.”